What's your favorite channel for talking skip?
What's your favorite channel for talking skip?
6= sometimes a little too crazy for me
10= not alot of people on you hear people once in a blue moon
20&22= people are pretty nice on these channels, no stomping on people
38low= good to use if you dont have a amp
10= not alot of people on you hear people once in a blue moon
20&22= people are pretty nice on these channels, no stomping on people
38low= good to use if you dont have a amp
- CrazyShellsSlam
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Re: What's your favorite channel for talking skip?
6 has been crazy for the past week
22 is alright
I cant get a word out on either
but its interesting to listen in anyhow.
22 is alright
I cant get a word out on either

- cuzzin it
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Re: What's your favorite channel for talking skip?
i've never heard anything except for 6 and 19 which is where i'm at most of the time
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Re: What's your favorite channel for talking skip?
Channel 6 when Motormouth Maul or Skywalker are not on. Cottonmouth competes with both of them with a 2 pill and a home built 7 element quad. I can talk at the same time as Cottonmouth since he normally has his house pointed away from me and his station is about 20 miles North of me. Motormouth is currently using a 5/8 wave vertical.
What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
Re: What's your favorite channel for talking skip?
Ole Motor Mouth does lock down the town!!!Red Warrior wrote:Channel 6 when Motormouth Maul or Skywalker are not on. Cottonmouth competes with both of them with a 2 pill and a home built 7 element quad. I can talk at the same time as Cottonmouth since he normally has his house pointed away from me and his station is about 20 miles North of me. Motormouth is currently using a 5/8 wave vertical.
- CrazyShellsSlam
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Re: What's your favorite channel for talking skip?
19 has been quiet. I remember during the summer last year 19 was always hopping with locals and skip. Now not so much.
27 or 28 was hopping as well last night.
27 or 28 was hopping as well last night.
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Re: What's your favorite channel for talking skip?
Mobile, I like 28. I'm not strong enough or patient enough for channel 6. I do get responses on 6 sometimes but not enough. 15 is fun sometimes, but with my weak signal and lack of political connection I have better chances on 28. At home, I like 38 lsb though I don't have a good antenna. I can still make a contact or 2 on there though, not bad for a ground mounted vertical and 100w at the weak part of the cycle. Once conditions pick up my luck will too.
Yes it's me, Dollar-98, drdx, the original all maul, shot cawla on workin this no-fade technology.
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Re: What's your favorite channel for talking skip?
I hate when operators will start rag chewing on 38 LSB when skip is rolling in. And its annoying when operators talk AM on 36-40. Dont get me wrong I am far from a conformist but 36-40 should be reserved for SSB.
Ohhh and 909wis. Where I am from channel 22 is the local superbowl. Guys down in baltimore crank power down there and 22 is there stomping , hand holding channel. I guess every area is different.
Ohhh and 909wis. Where I am from channel 22 is the local superbowl. Guys down in baltimore crank power down there and 22 is there stomping , hand holding channel. I guess every area is different.
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- nutcracker
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Re: What's your favorite channel for talking skip?
15 is my favorite, always make some kind of distant contacts. Bowl only when conditions start to die down and I can get in there with 500 watts on a vertical. No locals anywhere near here that run power except the lone trucker with a small amp. Can lock down 19 all day with 50w Dk lol.
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Re: What's your favorite channel for talking skip?
me i use 20 26 29 and 38 lsb
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Re: What's your favorite channel for talking skip?
38LSB...and sometimes venture up into the "freeband" around 27.555....although just to listen of course.
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Re: What's your favorite channel for talking skip?
26.915 mHz
Low Side 36
Low Side 36
330 - Mr. Redneck in the Coal Country of Virginia
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Re: What's your favorite channel for talking skip?
I agree the top 5 ch's should be reserved for LSB...
I too hang in at .915 and triple 5 when I'm on at night...
I too hang in at .915 and triple 5 when I'm on at night...
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Re: What's your favorite channel for talking skip?
[ external image ] Relay, Relay, Glass User, Pill User.
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Re: What's your favorite channel for talking skip?
Hey roger on locking down 27.185 all day. Sitting off the interstate's exit on top a hill.... I run channel 19, passing on any information as a relay.nutcracker wrote:Can lock down 19 all day with 50w Dk lol.
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SSB - 314 Mobile
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Re: What's your favorite channel for talking skip?
So wait...you chill on a hill all day relaying information? Not to make u sound silly or sad or anything...wifi wrote:[quote="Hey roger on locking down 27.185 all day. Sitting off the interstate's exit on top a hill.... I run channel 19, passing on any information as a relay.
- Foxhunter
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Re: What's your favorite channel for talking skip?
CH 6---forget it around here. Maybe once a week I'll key with somebody locally, which is still hard to do sometimes. When real skip is rollin' there's just way too many earpluggers, people yellin', heterodynes all over the place. Not to mention there's a few really high power stations in the area, seriously, at the national level. Plus there's regional "politics" involved, so I hang out and sandbag sometimes for now, I'll hopefully go commercial at some point down the line. But even then, who knows. Still, "no excuses" right ? . .
CH 11---I've definitely done some real talking there and is a good runner-up to 6 really, many power stations all going for it but still have a chance at least haha.
CH 16 LSB--- I try and catch any and all skip there on lower sideband with the boys still running 23-channel rigs like I still sometimes do. It's the original "home" of the CB sideband operator.
CH 19---It can be really almost as bad as the Super Bowl, for the very reason of just the sheer volume of users on the channel. With so many background stations on, it takes a serious effort and can be a real challenge to get across out there on 19. Mainly for fun.
CH 20---Center of the band (well actually 19 is but) channel and a good one to talk skip on, usually plenty of operators on during good conditions.
CH 23---I liken it to CH 20, another good skip channel with plenty of operators.
CH 37-40 LSB--Of course I'll get on once-in-a-while when skip is coming in, lower noise and better reach. Can be an effort though too, as nearly everyone interested in SSB on the normal 40 flocks to 38 and the surrounding channels. I'm not crazy about the vast number of operators varied as far as being on/off frequency though, the last thing I feel like doing is adjusting the clarifier to read some of them then trying to quickly slide back over to resume with some of the rest of them. Basically what I'm saying is I wish everyone was on frequency, it takes some of the fun out of it for me.
Well they're the main ones, but honestly I always liked to channel surf and jump channels quite frequently so I could end up any place. I dial around and if I hear an area I want to try and get out to, I go for it!
Foxhunter 351 NJ

CH 11---I've definitely done some real talking there and is a good runner-up to 6 really, many power stations all going for it but still have a chance at least haha.
CH 16 LSB--- I try and catch any and all skip there on lower sideband with the boys still running 23-channel rigs like I still sometimes do. It's the original "home" of the CB sideband operator.
CH 19---It can be really almost as bad as the Super Bowl, for the very reason of just the sheer volume of users on the channel. With so many background stations on, it takes a serious effort and can be a real challenge to get across out there on 19. Mainly for fun.
CH 20---Center of the band (well actually 19 is but) channel and a good one to talk skip on, usually plenty of operators on during good conditions.
CH 23---I liken it to CH 20, another good skip channel with plenty of operators.
CH 37-40 LSB--Of course I'll get on once-in-a-while when skip is coming in, lower noise and better reach. Can be an effort though too, as nearly everyone interested in SSB on the normal 40 flocks to 38 and the surrounding channels. I'm not crazy about the vast number of operators varied as far as being on/off frequency though, the last thing I feel like doing is adjusting the clarifier to read some of them then trying to quickly slide back over to resume with some of the rest of them. Basically what I'm saying is I wish everyone was on frequency, it takes some of the fun out of it for me.
Well they're the main ones, but honestly I always liked to channel surf and jump channels quite frequently so I could end up any place. I dial around and if I hear an area I want to try and get out to, I go for it!
Foxhunter 351 NJ
Re: What's your favorite channel for talking skip?
38 lower is pretty good, people dont walk on each other too much.
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Re: What's your favorite channel for talking skip?
Haha thats too funny. No, dont worry about it , you did no such thing...CrazyShellsSlam wrote:So wait...you chill on a hill all day relaying information? Not to make u sound silly or sad or anything...wifi wrote:[quote="Hey roger on locking down 27.185 all day. Sitting off the interstate's exit on top a hill.... I run channel 19, passing on any information as a relay.
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Re: What's your favorite channel for talking skip?
Myself, Back in a Day, SSB was L/USB on Channels 15-17 and from 35-40 and they were busy!!
I ran AM with a 300 watt Palomar with a either a Jo-Gunn Hillbilly or my Hy-Gain Penetrator 500
My Radios For AM I usually ran my Browning Eagle (R-27/S-23) or my Tram D-201a, For SSB, I
run either my old CPI CP-300 with the Palomar or I ran a Siltronix 1011d Commanche.
On SSB I usually was either around channel 16 somewhere or up in the Channel 35-40 range. If
I was on AM, it depends on the conditions, my Home Channel was 13 but I was pretty much all
over the band. When I was freebanding, I liked to hang around 27.435, but when I had the Silly,
I usually ran 27.840 LSB with the Siltronix **Censored** Kickers Group (S.A.K. 1941) or I was up around
27.890 LSB talking general Skip, especially with the Gang from the New England States.
On AM, I did go LOW once in a while, I had a grood friend That used to drive Tractor/Trailer and
it was fun talking to him on AM and we usually hung out on 26.955 or so.
Thanks for the memories by looking back!
- Randy (Goober) .
I ran AM with a 300 watt Palomar with a either a Jo-Gunn Hillbilly or my Hy-Gain Penetrator 500
My Radios For AM I usually ran my Browning Eagle (R-27/S-23) or my Tram D-201a, For SSB, I
run either my old CPI CP-300 with the Palomar or I ran a Siltronix 1011d Commanche.
On SSB I usually was either around channel 16 somewhere or up in the Channel 35-40 range. If
I was on AM, it depends on the conditions, my Home Channel was 13 but I was pretty much all
over the band. When I was freebanding, I liked to hang around 27.435, but when I had the Silly,
I usually ran 27.840 LSB with the Siltronix **Censored** Kickers Group (S.A.K. 1941) or I was up around
27.890 LSB talking general Skip, especially with the Gang from the New England States.
On AM, I did go LOW once in a while, I had a grood friend That used to drive Tractor/Trailer and
it was fun talking to him on AM and we usually hung out on 26.955 or so.
Thanks for the memories by looking back!

- Randy (Goober) .
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Re: What's your favorite channel for talking skip?
Speaking of freeband has anybody ever heard non-pirate stations transmitting. Such as the government agencies that those frequencies are designated for?Goober wrote:When I was freebanding, I liked to hang around 27.435, but when I had the Silly,
I usually ran 27.840 LSB with the Siltronix **Censored** Kickers Group (S.A.K. 1941) or I was up around
27.890 LSB talking general Skip, especially with the Gang from the New England States.
On AM, I did go LOW once in a while, I had a grood friend That used to drive Tractor/Trailer and
it was fun talking to him on AM and we usually hung out on 26.955 or so.
Thanks for the memories by looking back!
- Randy (Goober) .
WiFi in the Mobile -http://www.youtube.com/mobilewifi
Whiskey Indigo Foxtrot Indigo - Bringing you Mobile WIreless FIdelity broadcast's. Good evening, good evening ....good evening.More coffee!
Get yourself a cup of coffee and forget about it!
SSB - 314 Mobile
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Get yourself a cup of coffee and forget about it!
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Re: What's your favorite channel for talking skip?
WFI Wrote:
Speaking of freeband has anybody ever heard non-**Censored** stations transmitting. Such as the government agencies that those frequencies are designated for?.
Randy's Response:
I remember Long ago Listening to the Civil Air Patrol on (If I remember right) 26.620 MHz. i remember finding
out what frequencies they were on thanks to a Lafayette catalog that use to sell those crystals for some of their
old multi channel crystal controlled Non-Synthesized Radios I think the only difference was that they were a tighter
tol. then C.B. xtals (like .0025 % instead of .005 %) otherwise they were just Turned around C.B. Xtals that were
marked for C.A.P. Frequencies. (My Opinion).
and NO! I had more sense then to key up on them.
- Randy (Goober).
Speaking of freeband has anybody ever heard non-**Censored** stations transmitting. Such as the government agencies that those frequencies are designated for?.
Randy's Response:
I remember Long ago Listening to the Civil Air Patrol on (If I remember right) 26.620 MHz. i remember finding
out what frequencies they were on thanks to a Lafayette catalog that use to sell those crystals for some of their
old multi channel crystal controlled Non-Synthesized Radios I think the only difference was that they were a tighter
tol. then C.B. xtals (like .0025 % instead of .005 %) otherwise they were just Turned around C.B. Xtals that were
marked for C.A.P. Frequencies. (My Opinion).
and NO! I had more sense then to key up on them.
- Randy (Goober).
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Re: What's your favorite channel for talking skip?
Here in central Alabama (about 15 min. from Bham) I live in kinda a valley so haven't really heard alot of skip except for on the bowl or 11 and we all know you can't "get in" there.
I usually listen to 19 as I am only about 6 miles from I 20, and a major trucking terminal.
Locals tend to talk on 24, 31, 34, 10 those are the ones I've had the most convos on.
I have talked easy 20 miles on the upper channels (30-40) with some locals around here, and I don't run any external power, just a good antenna.
I wish i was in a higher topographical area, as that would help in itself. But, like they say, You can't move mountains!!!
I usually listen to 19 as I am only about 6 miles from I 20, and a major trucking terminal.
Locals tend to talk on 24, 31, 34, 10 those are the ones I've had the most convos on.
I have talked easy 20 miles on the upper channels (30-40) with some locals around here, and I don't run any external power, just a good antenna.
I wish i was in a higher topographical area, as that would help in itself. But, like they say, You can't move mountains!!!

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Re: What's your favorite channel for talking skip?
I have good luck with 40. I have a couple of different contacts in TN that come back on a regular basis and some in OH. For local stuff in the truck I stay on 19 and last night I had a guy in Maine holler back at me. I never do to much with the Northern states, so it was a pleasant surprise.
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Re: What's your favorite channel for talking skip?
6 and 19 are fun to listen to.