where do you talk skip on ssb?

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Post by 316 »

I guess no answer.
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Post by doctor »

Yep 90 percent on 475, but the American kangaroo club is out of INDIANA so many kangaroos to chat with..
I found out lately ..555 is a good one around 4 pm daily it has skip from south America and the islands , usually last for 20 minutes, many qsy to 640 to converse.


doctor :shock:
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Post by 316 »

Really I can't hear anything on there.
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Post by doctor »

Try putting your radio on usb, most of the guys<south America, and the islands> use that instead.
I got only one this week, wasn't on until later yesterday and it was to late..when you get a cold front moving your way or warm front..it will usually open up for a period of time.
Just holler for 795 sometime when it opens on 475 lsb....


doctor :shock:
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Post by 316 »

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Post by doctor »

What did you hear today...Brazil was in on 555 around 4:45 today lasted maybe 10 minutes....

doctor :shock:
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Post by 316 »

Yeah I heard it on USB today around Five o'clock
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Post by rabbiporkchop88 »

bazookajoe wrote:same here, i run lsb 27.385, 27.395, 27.475 and a few others.
on ssb i am known as needle bender 108 portable here in sunny tampa bay. and was one of the original founders of the charlie Michael group, i retired the call sign charlie Michael 8
Are you a Needle Bender?
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Post by 316 »

rabbiporkchop88 wrote:
bazookajoe wrote:same here, i run lsb 27.385, 27.395, 27.475 and a few others.
on ssb i am known as needle bender 108 portable here in sunny tampa bay. and was one of the original founders of the charlie Michael group, i retired the call sign charlie Michael 8
Are you a Needle Bender?
What's a Needle Bender?
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Post by doctor »

Nope I am not a needlebender, they have a forum, and give out numbers only once a year
I am a AMERICAN KANGAROO <27. 475>
CEF CHNL 13 am/lsb<NICE FORUM><copper forum>
AND A FEW OTHERS, who are not to active<I have never heard them>


Doctor :shock:
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Post by triple7wva »

38lsb i can get canada on a daily basis...j.s
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Post by drgrant »

Favorite thing to do on SSB when the band is open is to be able to talk to the same groups of people.

And when conditions are really good, it is like they are down the street from you. I remember at the
peak of the old cycle we would talk from MA to TX every day, like as if the guys were down the

A lot of the TX guys on our freq at the time (27.700 LSB) would deliver some fairly crushing S9 or higher
signals on a regular basis, despite them being in TX. Only downside was that the damned mexicans
liked to get on the air, and they clutter up a large part of the band and just step on anyone they don't
like. (we couldnt hear them, but the guys in TX could, and they'd always get a headache).

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Post by triple7wva »

i can set my watch by the canadian guys on 38lsb. i turn the saturn on 38lsb every day that im home at 4:15pm there they are liek clock work. ive been talking to these three guys for about 2 years now. . its cool to talk to the same bunch often...jas
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N.T.M. mak


Post by N.T.M. mak »

Phaze91460 wrote:I have not as yet heard any skip on SSB :(
hiya mate. we normally hang out on usb high channel 12 or 4. lots of italian and spanish lately but good reports from east coast us this week. skips gettin better and better. lots of europeans on these channels
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Post by DX47 »

Upper side of 555 is always great :)
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Post by Spirittalk »

The problem with 555 and that part of the band is, everybody is stomping on each other , I heard an Italian using 2KW just to talk to the UK !
Some Europeans dominate triple 5 when looking for 2 division.

I had a blast in the Isle Of Man ( 137 division) in the UK seemed a lot of you guys wanted to log The Isle Of Man, UK and was brilliant couple of nights DXing.

I had a KLP linear with 600 watts through a 7ft Firestick on the car on some high ground and was able to match some of the guys with a beam from this location.

Home base with 100 watts, I will have to look for quieter frequencies I guess.
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N.T.M. mak

Re: where do you talk skip on ssb?


Post by N.T.M. mak »

mudder wrote:I find talking skip on lsb on ch 38 seems to get the most contacts.what about you? :Peace!:
do ya use lsb mid band 38...? you're always in the back of ma box if ya do... abit in and out but normally there
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Post by Mentor3006 »

38 lsb for making contacts. Generally speaking, if I make a solid contact with an old friend a long way off, I drop to 4usb, MUCH quieter.

Mentor A.K.A. the Space City 3006 Houston Texas.
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Post by doctor »

I usually listen to 27.385 to see when skip starts and today it has, into Iowa and Texas, look around for others on 27.475, 27.505, and off and on 27.535.
Looked for that charlie michael group on 27.535 but have never heard anyone, infact applied to join and never heard from anyone. but the web page shows they are active, along with oscar kilo, never heard anyone either.

CDX has their contest for the next 3 or 4 days but have never heard anyone either...
Skip is good now though.

DOCTOR/795 :shock:
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Post by samskip »

I usaully hang around 27.385 and 27.375 ... If I get a nice strong contact that I want to rag chew with I will drop it down a couple. Most of my work on 11 meter is just screwing around 'contesting'..... Quick 10 second contacts

Starting this evening and lasting through Sunday.... SKIP!!! KEEP YOUR EARS UP!! Suppose to be really banging on Saturday....
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Post by bullet »

Marven can you let me know when and where you post the club or send me a list.
Thanks Ron
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Post by tramster »

i love SSB my self and also have the ways and means to drop a heavy maul on the bowl or any other channel too. it's great to get into the groups early on weekend mornings and have crystal clear ground wave communication with guys over 100 miles plus away. with skip conditions you can talk around the world straight out of a well tuned radio. i have talked from a Lincoln Town car with a wilson 1000 trunk mount not bonded to the body just with the swrs set & a RCI 2950dx doing about 40watts on ssb down into South America as well as into the Carribian sumthin i know won't happen on am when dx is runnin bare foot. at times it's fun to just get your name called out in dx land and key up and down on folk, but when i wanna carry on a conversation and learn about equipment set ups i go in SSB. been times during this summer i have been able to talk to guys all day long and well into the night dxin on SSB the same guys. i have talked to them from my base got into the mobile talked to them went shopping talked to them on the way home and back on the base well into the night. and these guys may be 1500 to 3000 miles away. i have guys that i talk Dx to on SSB that we have been talking together when conditions are right for over 20 years & more. the hobby is all good am & ssb but none ssbers take a good look at it and give it a chance and open up a whole new avenue to enjoy are great hobby. it's easy, with a properly tuned well made radio set the clarifier at 12:00 and forget about it. believe me straight out the radio you can talk world wide with out always pack-in heat on the smallest of antennas. heck i have talked to the UK on a ground plane right out a RCI 2950dx and held the conversation for over 8 minutes with a Qsl card confirmation. i love SSB :lol: :lol:
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Post by bullet »

That is the way it was in the 70's. You could get QSL info and just talk with no fading. I just go off the phone with mike at RA and ordered me a SS-158edx. He said it is not as good at the 2950 DX, but if you like the features for AM it is a great radio. He said the modulation will be a little lower than the General Lee. That will not be bad the General is like the loudest and proudist modulation radio ever make. Mike is a great guy. I ask question and he took his time to make sure I understood. I would send anyone to RA. The radios have a better warranty than if you get them off the shelve else where.
I will be on SB in a few weeks.
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Post by RC »

It's like reading the same thing over and over.The sun spots cause the skip and the cycles run up and down.WE are at the low now and will be moving up.This time next year you should have some and it will get only better as we clime the latter towards the top and back down.Just keep and listing.
RC 2SE137
I got on the radio waves in 1965 and have always been a FREEBANDER.I have also always have been on the SSB lower side.Looking forward to a good DXing year in 2008. RC 2SE137
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SSB club list


Post by marven »

bullet wrote:Marven can you let me know when and where you post the club or send me a list.
Thanks Ron
I'll be happy to. It is actually taking me a lot longer to compile the list than I'd thought. I'm not sure, but I may be going about this the wrong way. I think I probably should have started with a new topic-- " List your current SSB club & frequency's", on the different forums, then added them all together.
The problem I ran into, was getting this list current, and active. I'm still waiting for an answer from dozens of the old websites, and from most aren't getting any response. Lots of them don't seem to be active anymore. And then we had everyone busy for the summer.

It was easier to do this when everyone was on the air to. lol

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