Low Cost 13.8v Power Distribution for your Shack

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80 meter man
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Low Cost 13.8v Power Distribution for your Shack


Post by 80 meter man »

I have been meaning to do this for quite some time and we had a rainy day here today so one trip to the Home Depot and Done!!

Are you tired of trying to power all the radios in your shack from those two small binding posts on the back of your power supply? I was!!! So I finally did some thing about it. Here is my Low Cost (Less than 25 bucks) remedy for powering all the radios and accessories in my shack from one power supply.

The unit is powered from one Astron RM-70 70 amp peak 54 amp continuous power supply. First mount a plastic job box(See parts list) and two screw blocks in a safe accessible place in the back of your shack some thing like this will work(Fig 1). Make sure you use a plastic box and there is absolutely no contact between the positive and negative screw blocks. I mounted my box to a wood backer. You will need to drill your own holes in the plastic box. There are no holes drilled in the box when it's new. Drill the holes only where you need them you can always add additional holes latter. I used 6ga wire from the Astron to the D block.(Fig 2). After getting the 6ga wire hooked up every thing else fell into place. Just hook up all your other 13.8v needs to the screw blocks(Fig 3). Keeping positive and negative correct!!!! I will label the sides +/- with a Sharpie latter. This keeps all exposed wires under cover and safe. Looks clean and neat when done(Fig 4). Well as clean and neat as a back of a radio shack can be! Remember if you choose to do this project do so at YOUR OWN RISK!!!!

Parts list-
1-6x6x4 Plastic electrical job box--10.54$
2-6inch screw blocks some times called grounding bars--5.94$ea

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Post by busman »

thats a darn good idea 80 meter. i like it, good job. up to what size wire does the grounding blocks take.??? i got a couple power supllies, one of which is a 86 amp job. sometimes ill hook up a mobeeel amp and play with it. does these ground strips hold 4 guage wire. a guy might be able to bore the hole out bigger if it dont huh ??. anyhow, i like your idea.
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80 meter man
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Post by 80 meter man »

The grounding blocks will go 6ga max. You can get a bigger L connector and bolt it to the grounding bar with a 1/4inch bolt and use any size wire you desire. I think I would draw the line with these grounding bars at about 100 amps. Maybe there is an electrician out there that can chime in.
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Post by drdx »

80 meter man, I see you too are a fan of the PVC box. I use them for everything from switch enclosures to experimental antenna mounts. Those things are pure radio project treasure, available at your local hardware or electrical supply. I've even used on with a ball mount attached to it for a weatherproof coax connection, along with a little foam to seal the deal. They're also great for home brew base antennas (the right size conduit opening goes right onto a mast, or conduit then u-bolted) and they are as strong as an OX. -drdx
Yes it's me, Dollar-98, drdx, the original all maul, shot cawla on workin this no-fade technology.

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Ruff Ryder


Post by Ruff Ryder »

looks good i will try it :D :D :D :lol: :lol: :lol: 8) 8) 8)
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Post by Slvbeard »

That looks pretty sweet!
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