Cobra 2000 GTL cuts out during SSB tranmissions

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Posts: 85
Joined: November 8th, 2007, 5:36 pm
Real Name: Greg
Radio: Cobra 2000GTL

Cobra 2000 GTL cuts out during SSB tranmissions


Post by 225/Greg »

I'm the original owner of my Cobra 2000 GTL. It just started cutting out during SSB transmissions. Receive is fine. When modulating on SSB, the power output and modulation drops out during long transmissions then comes back for a couple more words and cuts out again. If I continue to try, it will cut out completely and not transmit on either SSB or AM until I shut it down for several hours. I have the Mitsubishi C1969 and C2166 finals installed. I also have extra channels, 40 above 40 and 40 below 1. I have the MB8734 chip on the board. My clairifier is still locked. I also have conflicting sources on what to set the final and driver bias values. FYI, I noticed that my VR11 and VR12 do not function. (I had a modulation clip?) I also cannot find my TR-24. Additionally, my mods were done right after I purchased the radio, back in 1981. I have extra large crystals on the solder side of the board and a dial switch on the back for changing bands. Does the radio cutting in and out during SSB transmissions perhaps my finals? Do I replace them with the same or with and upgrade or mosfets? Does anyone have a printed circuit board diagram or photos? Any help would be appreciated.

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