RCI 2995DX?

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RCI 2995DX?


Post by WLS4runner2110 »

I was thinking about getting a new base radio for the house. I was curious if any of yall have this radio or have heard anything about this radio and its performance. I will more than likely be running the base barefoot with no power, but if I do end up running some power it won't be too much because I have close neighbors. Does this radio plug in the wall? I would just like some info and maybe some personal experience with this radio, thanks in advance!
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Post by busman »

i got a 2995dx from radio active and love it. my favorite rig. plugs in the wall, does 200 watts am or ssb. i use this for my skip talker. i use my radio active 2980wx for one of my daily driver. 42 watt straight up. the thing about a 2995dx is if you gonna run a amp on the end of that your going to haft to have a pretty big one to handle that thing. i run my 2980wx into a 4 pil base amp-600 watts. so if you gonna run with out a amp id get the 2995dx. if you going to run amp id get the 2980wx. just my 2 cents. they both great radios. :D
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Post by linx »

About the 2995DX. If you buy one, get a new one. I have heard some horror stories about the internal power supplies on units built a year ago and older. RCI has fixed the problem on the new ones. Just a heads up.
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Post by Road »

I also have a SWP 2995DX built by Radioactive, It is a talker I get great reports all the time. Have talked all over when the conditions are right SSB works great. I really like the radio it does a great job. I would suggest that you Mike at Radioactive radio's and talk to him, he will not steer you wrong.

667 in the Mag

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Post by WLS4runner2110 »

Hey Road! I was just curious how much it cost ya after you got your 2995 SWP? Also what kind of mics are yall runnin with these radios? I am figuring I will just run this radio barefoot for a pretty good bit. How many watts will this radio do on AM? with the SWP? I am pretty sure I will get mine from Mike at RadioActive so I was just curious as to what it would cost me to get it SWP. Thanks for the responses!
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Post by Rex_foxhound »

Shoot RA an email or just call him on the phone and mention you are a CBRT forum member and he will get you a good deal for sure.
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Post by busman »

right now im useing a d-104 night eagle. i got a astatic echomax 2000 and a turner rk 56 with the up and down bottons on it from cb city.
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Post by greenhorn »

I just recieved and installed my SWP 2995 this week. It's been a lot of fun playing around when I get home from work. It's a talker for sure and SSB has been very cool. I did learn that I need to turn the RF Power way down when talking on SSB because the power supply can't handle it but I was told that it won't impede the performance of the radio and from the reports I've been getting, it hasn't. Right now I have an Imax 2000 up in a tree. All I need to do is get a taller ladder to get that stick above ALL the sticks and I should really be doing well. So far I'm very happy with it. Don't forget to mention that you're a member here and he'll hook it up right.
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Post by Bozo »

WLS4runner2110 wrote:I was thinking about getting a new base radio for the house. I was curious if any of yall have this radio or have heard anything about this radio and its performance. I will more than likely be running the base barefoot with no power, but if I do end up running some power it won't be too much because I have close neighbors. Does this radio plug in the wall? I would just like some info and maybe some personal experience with this radio, thanks in advance!
If you want a really good base that can throw down some wattage... get it...

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Ranger Base Station - RCI2995DX - 10 Meter Radio

*AM, FM, SSB, CW, Base
*100 watts+
*2 x 2SC2290 finals in amp section.
*Vol, sq, mic gain, Rf gain
*Clarifier (rx only), RF power
*LCD Frequency Counter Display
*NO Echo or talk-back
*10 Channel Memory
*Memory Scan
*Frequency step adjust:100Hz, 1Khz, 10Khz, 100Khz, 1000Khz or 10,000Khz
*Repeater Offsets
*Rodger Beep
*SWR indicator

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