This forum is dedicated to discussions about amateur radios, FM radios, and other types of radios excluding CB. Here, you can learn, share experiences, assist fellow members, or simply have fun.
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Post by Phaze91460 »

Hello fellow CBRT members,

Welcome to the NEW MISCELLANEOUS RADIO sub-section of the CBRT!! This section is for all you’re MISCELLANEOUS RADIO related questions, stories and opinions. This is the “New” MISCELLANEOUS RADIO section because the last MISCELLANEOUS RADIO section failed. The failure of the last MISCELLANEOUS RADIO section was do to the animosity between hams and Cb’ers. We all know what I’m talking about here. This has been going on for over 50 years. I think it’s high time we did away with it! I for one have been a CB’er for 32 years and a ham for less than 2. I enjoy both services very much and from the amount of MISCELLANEOUS RADIO questions on the site lately, many other CB’ers enjoy both services to.

This forum will be a place where you can get your MISCELLANEOUS RADIO questions answered, tell your stories and air your opinions. The decorum of this forum will be the same as the rest of the site. No profanity, inappropriate material etc… I will be watching this section very closely. There will be none of the old attitude tolerated here. No direct or sideways shots will be tolerated. The section is set up so, you need to be a CBRT member for a time before being able to post in the section. We had to do it this way to stop haters from dropping in and posting trash.

The CBRT has broken new ground in CB forums by not tolerating bad behavior. This is the only CB site on the web where you can have your kids beside you as you read it. The MISCELLANEOUS RADIO sub-section will be just as ground braking. It will be the only place on-line that CB’ers and Hams can talk on an equal level. I know all the differences between Hams and CB’ers. We’ve all heard the trash. This is a trash free zone. There’s no place for haters here! If you want to continue the old feud there are plenty of sites that do that. Not this one!

We’re all equal here. I know some Cb’ers think Hams are snobs because they take a test to use there service and some Hams think CB’ers are crude because they don’t need a license to use there service. This attitude, besides being juvenile, isn’t tolerated here. Everybody will be treated in the same way with respect and kindness! If your new to radio feel free to ask any question you need to. All questions are important, no matter how simple they might seem. We have some very smart members here. Some of them have been CB’ers for many years but are also hams. I know some CBRT members are not only CB’ers and Hams but are also VE’s. A VE is a Ham that is also a Volunteer Examiner. A VE is an experienced specially trained ham that administers the licensing exams for people to become hams. So, as you can see, we have many people here qualified to answer questions. If you’re a more experienced radio man that’s great! We would like to hear your stories and ideas. If you have a great antenna that works well for CB and Ham bands feel free to post it here. How about a review of a ham rig or amp you have? All stories, questions, ideas, reviews, and answers are welcome here!

Here we go with take two for the MISCELLANEOUS RADIO Forum. Lets work together to make it the best place for CB’ers and Hams to get together and continue the great reputation of the CBRT!!!!

You will need a post count of 100 to post in this section.
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