Any ICOM users out there??

A place to ask questions about base setup for CB radios or HAM radios. Talk about your experiences, seek advice, and share knowledge.
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Post by samskip »

Congrats drdx! I don't know much about the 718, but I love my 706MKIIG to death, it's a beast and keeps on ticking with great reports. 10 out of 10 for the 706!!!! If you ever pick one up you WILL NOT BE SORRY!

Have fun with that 718! :-)

G5RV Eh? I run one of those :-) Does great on 40m and 20m And works 'decent' on 75m and up to 10m .. But a G5RV is only a good antenna on 20 meters and 'pretty good' on 40m..

Have fun and tune aroudn the dial, you hear all kinds of crazy things on HF :)
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Wordwide & Qualified
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Handle: 316
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Radio: RCI 2950 and IC-7000


Post by 316 »

80 meter man wrote:
dud muck wrote:
80 meter man wrote:You can do a simple mod to a ham radio to get it to transmit on the Cb band. They already receive there you just need the mod to transmit but what you wont get is the 1-40 channel numbers to display on the radio. If they could do that they would be illegal in this country. So if you get a ham radio for cb you will need to know your frequency numbers including the weird ones up around 26 where the numbers go backwards.
You can store CB frequencies in the memories, if you really want a channel display. 26.965 in memory 1.. 27.405 in memory 40.
Every ham rig has a "M" memory mode where you are channelized, and "V" vfo mode where its free tune. The IC-718 has 99 memories.

By the letter of the law its illegal to use a non type-accepted radio on CB, and ham rigs are not type accepted for use on CB.
But just like anything else with the FCC, you wont see trouble unless your a trouble-maker causing people to file complaints about your station.
Its no different than using a "10 meter" radio on CB.
You are correct. I never thought of that using the memory to show the channel. That will work and yes using a ham rig on cb is not legal. I guess I should have been more specific about the illegal part. If the radio can be converted to show the cb channels then it would be classified as "easy to convert" therefore it would make the FCC's list of banned radios.
Too true, wind up like so many others out there.
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