Bleeding on the neighbors TV

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209 first class
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Post by 209 first class »

lonesome 500 wrote:set modulation on meter to more
thats the best advice ive seen yet ! 2zero0
2zero9 workin this top secret station in massachusetts.
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Post by doctor »

Well all good ideas. I had problems as mentioned on some of my posts and solved my problem this way.

I put snap on ferrite beads 5 from my pl259<where it screws into the antenna>behind it down the coax, also put same amount on the coax behind my amp and behind the radio on the coax..cleared it up 100 percent. 10 for 10 dollars or call 800 826 5432..
Hope this helps
DOCTOR/795 :shock:
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Post by Tezterz »

mopar2ya wrote:If the balun made your SWR shoot up, you have one of two issues.

1. There was a mistake made in the manufacture of the balun.


2. You had considerable common mode current on the feed line that was giving you an incorrect SWR reading all along, and the balun eliminated it.
Mopar, got a question for you. If #2 is the case and the actual SWR's were high but not noticed until he added the balun, then what SWR's was the radio seeing before he added the balun? The high SWR's or what he was reading on his meter?
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gun runner
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Post by gun runner »

doctor wrote:Well all good ideas. I had problems as mentioned on some of my posts and solved my problem this way.

I put snap on ferrite beads 5 from my pl259<where it screws into the antenna>behind it down the coax, also put same amount on the coax behind my amp and behind the radio on the coax..cleared it up 100 percent. 10 for 10 dollars or call 800 826 5432..
Hope this helps
DOCTOR/795 :shock:
What is A ferrite bead ?
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Post by doctor »

Ferrite bead, absorbs the stray rf floating out of the coax and pl259 thus reducing the possibility of interference...

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gun runner
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Post by gun runner »

doctor wrote:Ferrite bead, absorbs the stray rf floating out of the coax and pl259 thus reducing the possibility of interference...

Ya but what are ferrite beads ? I just noticed that the neighbors satellite dish is pointing exactly at my antenna , could this have anything to do with the bleeding ?
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Post by Jester »

Gun Runner,

11 meters is close to some of the TV broadcast channels, are your neighbors still using an ancient TV aerial or do they have Satellite or cable? People with broadcast TV aerials will suffer hardcore as they pick up around 50 mHz or so...If you think thats bad, imagine what 6 meters does to the box!

You may want to do the following:

Install a LOW-PASS filter as close to the transmitter as possible.

Run a minimum of RG-8 coax, preferably lmr400/belden...

GROUND your antenna/station.

That will help, good luck!
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gun runner
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Post by gun runner »

Jester wrote:Gun Runner,

11 meters is close to some of the TV broadcast channels, are your neighbors still using an ancient TV aerial or do they have Satellite or cable? People with broadcast TV aerials will suffer hardcore as they pick up around 50 mHz or so...If you think thats bad, imagine what 6 meters does to the box!

You may want to do the following:

Install a LOW-PASS filter as close to the transmitter as possible.

Run a minimum of RG-8 coax, preferably lmr400/belden...

GROUND your antenna/station.

That will help, good luck!
Thanks jester , but Ive already done all 3 of these things . And my neighbors have A satellite dish .
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Post by Bullwinkle »

I'm wondering too? Do satellite dishes pick up stray rf real easy? :?:
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Post by doctor »

GO OVER TO THE SAT DISH...look or slightly tug the ground wire, most of the companies DO NOT ground the dishes or just stick the ground into the ground<idiots>, if it isnt grounded ground it if they let you or suggest for them to call the company and send a tech to ground it...

DOCTOR/795 :?
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gun runner
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Post by gun runner »

Well I figured out my problem , it was my neighbors el cheapo surround sound , I unplugged it and almost all of the bleed over went away . So now I can get back out there and turn that sucker back up , let me tell ya its no fun to talk on 100 watts after your use to talking on 600 watts , but I'm back in business .
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Post by minitrucker »

whats a good brand of low pass filter?
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Post by kyndscotsman »

all of these tips that you have been givin are good advice.........grounding all your equipment good, grounding your antenna mast, make sure you have good coax, ferite beads and low pass filers are good too. If your neighbor is still having problems remember that as far as the FCC is is the owner of the tv that is responsible for the interference to their equipment , thus they should be getting filters and whatnot to solve the problem..
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lonesome 500
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Post by lonesome 500 »

If your neighbor is still having problems remember that as far as the FCC is is the owner of the tv that is responsible for the interference to their equipment , thus they should be getting filters and whatnot to solve the problem..
only..........if you are a ham

bill PL 106-521 ....of year 2000 took care if that
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Post by lonesome 500 »

oops .......i doubled
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Post by 721HACKSAW »

In almost all the cases I have caused or witnessed it is the Surrond Sound system, not the TV. I bleed my own system and it is a high end Yamaha. When you have 6 sets of speaker wires or more they are antenna, and if you are using an Imax or similar then it is going to happen. I am going to experement with shielded wiring as the first fix. Raised the Imax up 25' when I put up the tower but it was no help. I am using a high power radio, no amp, so there may not be a fix except to go to a different radio.
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Red Warrior
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Post by Red Warrior »

Is this a new problem? Have you made any changes recently? Are you running a balun to keep rf from radiating from the coax?
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Post by Midlander »

I've been down this road before, and posted my problems about this. Allot of people chimed in with very good ideas, and I followed almost all of them, but I still had TVI issues with my neighbors TV.

I installed ground on everything changed the antenna setup, made a choke just like they are saying here, but nothing solved the problem. So I moved to trouble shooting their equipment. I installed AC line filtering for the power into the TV we tried ferrite beads and we still couldn't fix the problem.

The end result was that the TV simply did not have the adequate shielding necessary to block out the RF interfering with it. The only solution was to open the TV and install ferrite beads on the speakers inside, but I did not do this as you don't want to mess around with other peoples electronics as they might blame you if something goes wrong with their TV.

You must realize that sometimes nothing you do to your setup will solve the problem and you will need to focus more on the equipment that is being interfered with. Generally you should do everything you can to make sure your station is not causing problems; however there are times the interfering equipment cannot be fixed unless a qualified electronics technician works on the item being interfered with.

Just a thought you might want to consider though, during this past Christmas I had my radio running. My other neighbor on the other side of me had no issues with my radio setup. This was fine; however during Christmas they setup a Christmas tree in their house then i got a call from them saying they could hear me on the stereo speakers. I thought this was really odd. I asked them if they did anything different to their stereo or TV like moving the stereo equipment or things like that, and they said they did not do anything. I thought about it, and I realized the only thing different in their house was the Christmas tree with a string of lights on it.

After they took down their tree i called them and asked if they were still experiencing any issues with TVI, they said they had no TVI. So it turned out the Christmas lights wrapped around the tree was causing problems. The point I am making with this is that some times long loose wires in behind the TV can cause problems. Make sure all their wire behind the TV are wound into a loop and that they have no long wires laying around back there.

Please update us what you found out.
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Post by pipsqueek »

Ferrite beads you ask? Contact and request their free catalog and rfi info sheet. They sell all kinds of beads and toroids for interference applications.
A voltage -gradient isolator type of choke will also "wipe" all stray rf from coming down your coax shield. You can make one from pvc pipe, small ferrite beads, and some hardware. Or you can purchase one from RadioWorks. A good low pass filter such as Bencher, MFJ, may help but not usually, that will clean some harmonics but that isn't what's getting into your neighbors set. But purchase one anyway, good to have at least an 11 pole filter. I have a 16 pole commercial type (way overkill) left over from a now defunct AM broadcast station.
Lastly, run power , but don't over modulate. I would say this accounts for most interference problems. We all wanna be loud, but when there is a problem sometimes ya have to cut it back. If this all doesn't help then the problem is on your neighbors end, but cb, not being a licensed service means the responsibility falls to you. If you were licensed then his "part 15" device problem would be on his shoulders. Get that rfi tip sheet and work with him.
Hopes this helps some.
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Post by Buckshot »

Add'l grounding on the antenna A99 may help also, I don't know what you have if any ground. A good ground braided flat strap copper, & 4-6 ft copper rod in the ground wouldn't hurt along with tvi filter.
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Post by Av8r1 »

I would put a quality low pass tvi filter like a Bencher filter on your rig and a high pass filter on the neighbors tv.

I doubt the ground is causing the rfi...but you should always have a good ground.

My 2 cents.
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