is there anything to unscramble police

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is there anything to unscramble police


Post by gravedigger4222 »

is there anything you can buy that will unscramble the police when they go to a scrambled channel?
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Post by Circuit Breaker »

If by scrambled you mean encrypted, no there is not and likely never will be.
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Scrambled Cops


Post by Wyatt.Earp »

A long time ago, there used to be a scrambler/descrambler put out by Ramsey Electronics. I used it all the time when a local PD used their "Private Talk" channel. Now days, if communications are scrambled, they are more than likely being digitally encrypted which is basically undecodeable.
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Post by J-570 »

There is a way but it isn't very feasible if you aren't in the police or EMS fields. If you buy a radio capable of receiving encrypted frequencies all you need to do is either know the encryption codes or be buddies with the guy who programs the PD's radios. :lol: But other than that you are SOL.
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Post by bookie »

the U.S. has a ban on a radio made in china for N. Korea & china (and anyone with enough money). i seen one in signal school about 8 years ago. it it had the ability to track FM broadcast and then figure out the freq hop (easy part) then it would start to decode. this radio was able to decode the military SINGAR radios along with about anything the worlds military could throw at it. you can see why uncle sam banned it. i've never seen one out side of school but i'm sure there are a few running around somewhere. but for the every day user, well your out of luck. join the military signal corp, then you can play with one and listen to who ever you want. lol

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Post by Maverick »

I thought there was a way to do it but you needed a laptop, a multi-thousand dollad AOR scanner, and a freq counter. not very practical.
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Post by DX_MONKEY »


Encryption wouldn't be worth the letters it's spelled out of if Joe Scanner User could just hop over to Radio Shack and buy a Decryto 2000 for 3 easy payments of $39.95 and start tuning into multi-million dollar digital communications systems again.

Now if you and your buds want to easy-scramble your local chat, yeah the voice inversion scrambler thingy from Ramsey will work great. Can hook into any radio - any CB. All you needs is two scramblers and two radios. You'll drive the other locals crazy as heck. I hear this schist on HF all the time outside some of the ham bands. Almost all of it is Spanish language traffic coming up from south of the border. You can make out just enough of it to tell it's Spanish.
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Post by DanzKat »

I guess I don't know what y'all are talking about with the encrypted stuff. I have a Radio Shack Pro 96 scanner and I have no problem getting every Phila. digitally trunked encrypted transmission, The scanner does all the work. I guess you are referring to something different then what Philly has, but Philly's system is pretty much state of the art. I also get Federal agencies stuff which from my experience their stuff is "encrypted" also.
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Post by Pro-Tech »

A Radio Shack scanner(forget the model number) works here. We hear all the police depts. with it. And this model can hook up to your computer and download all the new codes too.
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Post by Circuit Breaker »

DanzKat wrote:I guess I don't know what y'all are talking about with the encrypted stuff. I have a Radio Shack Pro 96 scanner and I have no problem getting every Phila. digitally trunked encrypted transmission, The scanner does all the work. I guess you are referring to something different then what Philly has, but Philly's system is pretty much state of the art. I also get Federal agencies stuff which from my experience their stuff is "encrypted" also.
What you're referring to is APCO-25 digital transmissions...which is different from being encrypted. No scanner in the world, or at least the U.S., will demodulate an encrypted signal on its own. Nor is there any equipment available in the U.S. that will make it possible.
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