Finally got a REAL radio on my base!

A place to ask questions about base setup for CB radios or HAM radios. Talk about your experiences, seek advice, and share knowledge.
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Post by BG »

MIDNIGHT EAGLE wrote:Yea I got my RCI-2980wx from CB CITY also! They are a great bunch of people that work there I have always delt with Chris and he has always treated me great. Hope you enjoy yours as I have mine :D :D.
Yeah, I love CB City. Chris and the other guys have always done me right. It helps that I live an hour from there....but even if I moved away, I would keep on using these guys. They don't install "SUPER-KICK-YO-MOMMA-IN-THE-REAR" kits or tell you that your radio will deadkey 1 watt and swing to 96 watts....or any of that other hype you get from other know what i mean. They do quality work and make a radio sound great.....thats all I need.
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Post by Maverick »

Circuit Breaker wrote: I don't go to the "bowl." I either do SSB on 35 or higher...or AM on channels below 1.

But since a great number of people on the "bowl" are running power and probably more than 300 watts, an amplifier really won't make that much of a difference. I'm not saying don't get one. But they aren't the cure all that some people think they are.
I don't know, I think it really depends on the conditions. I've talked to people on the bowl before with a barefoot radio DK'ing 5 watts swinging to 20. They said I was "booming in"
Then, I've also tried to talk with a 2879 4-pill and couldn't get a reply.

I also use channel 6 as a skip gauge :D

I think most of us people that have spent a long time listening to the radio can tell when skip's coming in on almost any channel just by how it sounds.
Catch ya' Later Modulator!
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Post by DX4fun »

Beautiful radio, I am sure you will get many hours of enjoyment with it.
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Post by HOUND DOG »

Yes, nice radio for sure! Lots of luck with it. I am looking at the 2980wx myself although I'm a big fan of Radio Actives-SWP version of this top shelf monster. For a few bucks more with the CBRT discount, I'd rather have the HEMI:-) I presently have RA's SWP Galaxy 93T as my base radio with a D104 mic, and everyone says it's the loudest talking radio they've ever heard.
I was actually hoping RCI would come out with a new base radio design this year. The 2980wx & 2517's just look like the same old radios of years past. I'd like to see a "up to date" lighted front panel, blue LED's and new smaller toggles switches to replace those cheap-O-switches they use now. Last I heard they have no plan for a new radio design.
*In a Galaxy far far away*
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Post by bluestallion »

I have a galaxy 2517 and she goes up to around 45. what kinda amp would work best with this?
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Post by busman »

the gold colored fatboy ab1 class 4 pill base amp works great. mine will hit 700 watts pep drivin it with a 2980 at 40 watts. i dont run it wide open. i back it off to 300 to 500 watts. its a good little amp.
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