A Radio just for testing

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BigBlue 442
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A Radio just for testing


Post by BigBlue 442 »

I know this maybe old hat for some, but I thought I would throw this out there for the ones that don't do this. I have a cobra 19 that I use just for testing SWR and other aspects of my mobile setup. Some may not realize it but when you set the SWR of an antenna you are setting them for the location of the antenna not the radio. Now you always want to check the SWR after you place your main radio inline, but for the initial tuning you can use a cheaper radio. This way if you have a short or something else is out of whack you don't burn up the finals in your pricey new toy. I also use the cheaper radio after I make changes to the power wires or ground wires. Again if I screwed anything up I would rather lose a cheap radio than an expensive one. And typically if I can get the system nice and quite with a cheap radio my main rig will be 5x5 for sure. I know there are other items made for this but for some this may be easier to use and or get their hands on. Just my take on setting up a mobile system.
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26 TM 100
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Post by 26 TM 100 »

An excellent piece of logic and advice!....All the years I've been in radio, and I've not thought of that myself, or seen it done.....Thanks for that.

So, you can teach an old dog new tricks!.....Nice one!
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BigBlue 442
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Post by BigBlue 442 »

Lets just say I found out the hard way many moons ago lol
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26 TM 100
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Post by 26 TM 100 »

I've never 'lost' radio on set up, but come pretty close a few times a few weeks down the line.......The problem is, it's easy to get complacent about your own installation, and if your not paying attention to the 'give away' signs, you've suddenly got an expensive incident!

Perhaps you should consider making that tip a 'Sticky', I'm sure others will find it helpful.
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Post by Hookie »

yes that is a very helpful tip, i have not thought of that and i will do that from now on, thanks
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Black Lightning
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Post by Black Lightning »

Excellent suggestion, thanks!
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