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Post by causmik »

pipsqueek wrote:I'm for the 575 Astatic, hand down. It's on all my vehicles, and as you know from my previous posts, I'm an audio oriented gal.

It behooves me that some enterprising young company doesn't want to take the design, change a doo-dad or two to get around copyright and have a winner. Look what they are going for on Epay, and those are all beat up.
I with you on that one Pips. I am having a heck of a time finding a dead one just to see what the board is. A person might just build a small pre amp box between the mic and radio with tone and volume controls on it.
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Post by kg95 »

thanks for all the advice

you guys talked me into ordering the 636

I could only find it wired for my cobra though

anyone know where I can get an adapter
for a 4 pin cobra mic that matches the wiring
for a 4 pin royce/robyn radio plug?
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Post by kg95 »

Well, I got the astatic 636l
and it's ok.
not too expensive
not real loud
It has great tone (I think)
not very bassy
more trebley but not too tinny
It should make an excellent copy.

The only thing I don't like about it
is that it is NOT high output.
I was looking for a mic for my base I could
talk more quietly into.
At night for instance, and not be heard in the next room.

My recommendation would be to save up
a few extra bucks for the d104m6.
I think any mic with a battery would be louder than the 636.
I don't think you could go wrong with replacing
a stock mic with the inexpensive 636 however.
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