Hallicrafters SX-28
Hallicrafters SX-28
My father (who just passed away) has an old Hallicrafters SX-28 ham radio receiver. Is it worth keeping? I saw one on E-Bay with a "buy now" price of $995.00
it look somethign liek this?
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One of the most beloved of all communications radios, Hallicrafters' Model SX-28, dubbed the Super Skyrider, was sold from 1941-1944 and was their top-line receiver. Many thousands were manufactured for government service during World War II, so this radio has historical significance and is also fairly plentiful.
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One of the most beloved of all communications radios, Hallicrafters' Model SX-28, dubbed the Super Skyrider, was sold from 1941-1944 and was their top-line receiver. Many thousands were manufactured for government service during World War II, so this radio has historical significance and is also fairly plentiful.
When we lived in the city of Chicago itself I think he had an antenna. Once we move to the suburbs (1963) I think he only used a home made dipole. He only used morse code. Never use microphones.
From what I've found on the internet, those were made around 1941. They were used in England to monitor German radar stations during WWII. Also, they were used by the FBI during the war and for other government services.
From what I've found on the internet, those were made around 1941. They were used in England to monitor German radar stations during WWII. Also, they were used by the FBI during the war and for other government services.