longer radials?

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longer radials?


Post by Stingray »

i have a half wave base antenna with short radials. (antenna is all aluminum)
if i were to put longer radials, say 8 foot, would this do anything? good or bad?
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Lost Sheep
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Post by Lost Sheep »

How short/long are the radials on the antenna now? How many radials are on the antenna?!

I've always heard that the length of the radials should be in 3 ft divisions.

In other words, 6 ft. radials would be just fine!

I do know that most of the aftermarket ground plane kits for the A-99 and the Solarcon are 6 ft long.

Wheather or not ground radials EVEN MAKE A DIFFERENCE is a HIGHLY debated subject. Some people love em', some people say that they're a waste of space.

I personally like them and have used them on my A-99.

Good Luck!!
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Night Crawler
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Post by Night Crawler »

Stingray wrote:i have a half wave base antenna with short radials
if i were to put longer radials would this do anything?
It will change the takeoff angle of the antenna.
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Post by drdx »

If the radials are sloped, they radiate and contribute to the pattern, and more will probably lower it. Lowering it can also bring in unwanted TVI issues if you are not careful, as in the case of the starduster antenna of years past. If the radials are horizontal they do not radiate but work to minimize ground loss by providing a groundplane at the base of the antenna. Radials can be numerous and short, but better yet 1/4 wave in length is the norm, so that's about 8 1/2 feet. The closer to the ground the antenna is, the more it will benefit from longer and more numerous radials. If the base of the antenna is a wavelength or more high, only 3 or 4 radials are required for good outcome. You can run very few radials on a low antenna and while you may see a nice low swr and seem to be experiencing good performance, much improvement can be made. On your antenna, if your radials are shorter than the 8 1/2 feet, I would think you could expect to see improvement by going to them.

And as always on a base where coax runs can get long, use premium grade cable to minimize loss. Eliminating the loss from going from a cheap thin coax to a RG213/LMR400 type coax can yield startling results in improved transmit and receive.

Yes it's me, Dollar-98, drdx, the original all maul, shot cawla on workin this no-fade technology.

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Post by pipsqueek »

You can use guy wires as an effective ground plane under a vertical. Four 5/8 wave guys (metallic, and mounted close up) under an antenna would give you quite an interesting dx antenna.
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