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MY FIRST WATERGATE!! 492 in kansas, 6 pack, 597, old dawg

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MY FIRST WATERGATE!! 492 in kansas, 6 pack, 597, old dawg


Post by the_junkie »

I got my first watergate!! [stream][Please login or register to view this link][/stream]
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Post by the_junkie »

SwampHog wrote:492 called me a cracker and kept asking me if ive ever seen a black man naked, screw him why waste your time on a dbag like that. If you ask me it was that black guy on 19 today messin with us. Remember the guy who came on and started sayin a bunch of crap about white people, how else would he know both our handles and talk about you when you wernt even on the radio?
I never said mine. And 6 apck knew him from the way they were i don't think it was like that...

But idk
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