my neighbor's driving me crazy

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my neighbor's driving me crazy


Post by puller »

well its not that bad, but my next door neighbor is a sideband guy and he bleeds the heck out of me at least 10 channels away. now it wouldn't be that bad if i had a sideband capable base radio (at least then i could listen in), but moneys tight now and i can't afford the base i want, a RCI 2980DX :D i have a cobra 29 now. my neighbor is a very nice guy and i know if asked him to stop he would, but i don't want to do that. i mean if i talked on SSB i wouldn't want my neighbor to ask me to stop. yes i know I'm lucky to have neighbors that are into radio, actually all my neighbors are into radio :lol: my question is, is there anything i can do to stop some of the bleed over? or do i have to just wait till i get a SSB capable base.
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His radio is dirty and operating out of bandwidth. Probably cranked up audio etc. He should no be more then 3k either way up or down. Not uncommon to get splashed. Your rig may have poor channel rejection also. He could put a low pass filter on the back of his radio between the antenna and rig that could cut back on the some of the spikes. You may have to live with it. You will more then likely experience the same problem when your on SSB. This is not a real solution but an understanding of what might be the cause. Of course this is how we find solutions.

Good Luck

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Post by puller »

could this also be because we are about 150 yards apart and we both run about 450 watts RMS. and i know that i bleed him bad too. i really wouldn't mind if i was able to listen in.
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Post by TwentyTwo-Zero »

Unless he is made aware of the problem it will not improve since he has no idea he is bleeding over. A civil discussion over a beer or a cup of coffee could go a long ways in resolving things. As mentioned, a reduction in modulation and filtering may help. It could also be due to the proximity of your antennas, in which case there is very little either of you can do to resolve it...
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rev ike
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Post by rev ike »

yeah , if you had a ssb radio you could listen in and maybe join in on the same frequency and everyone can be happy ..... the beauty is that neither of you will need 450W after you guys start sharing the same spectrum together :lol: Two Happy Campers :idea:
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Post by Circuit Breaker »

Why wait for the dream base station? You can get an SSB capable mobile to use for less than $150.

If both of you are running 450 watts then you're overloading each others receiver. It's amazing either one of you can hear anything. Even if you ran normal power levels you're still going to have some problems because you're so close.
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Post by this_is_nascar »

You shouldn't have to tell him anything. If he's running 450-watts and you're that close together, he KNOWS that he's bleeding you. He could live a couple streets over and still be hammering you like that. I remember back in the day, when we had dozens of base stations within a few miles radius. Some of them ran their "heaters". It's really what forced most of use to live on the same home-channel. If not, you usually couldn't talk or hear.

Anyway, like I said, he should know that he's bleeding you without being told. I'd imagine you cause just as must bleed-over on AM when you have your 450-watts cranking too.
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Post by lonesome 500 »

at 150'll never get away from one another

''cb'' or 11 meter stuff.....forget the bandwith limits of 99 percent of them
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Post by puller »

99% of the time we use the same home channel (31). but he talks to his friends a couple towns over on side band once and while. i pretty much figured there was nothing i could do but thought it wouldn't hurt to ask. i still happy i have neighbors that are into radio, no one has to worry about making the neighbors mad about bleed on TV's (cause we are always on the air :D ) i would just buy a $150 side band radio but i think I'll live with it for a month till i get my real base radio 8)
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Post by TheTeZ »

man! ive got a neighhbor about a mile away, i know where he lives, hes been to mine and given me the antenna i started with.

we both use SSB, let me tell you when you get that ssb radio your not going to want to be on the radio at the same time as him, its loud!!!! even with out power... gotta turn the volume down real low to make it tolerable..... but i dont thik you are going to solve your problem if your antennas are that close..... kinda lame... but i dont think he should be a good 10 channels away... maybe one or two up or down...... i dunno good luck man.
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Post by tonyhatchetman »

puller wrote:99% of the time we use the same home channel (31). but he talks to his friends a couple towns over on side band once and while. i pretty much figured there was nothing i could do but thought it wouldn't hurt to ask. i still happy i have neighbors that are into radio, no one has to worry about making the neighbors mad about bleed on TV's (cause we are always on the air :D ) i would just buy a $150 side band radio but i think I'll live with it for a month till i get my real base radio 8)
wow who needs 450watts on ssb exspecialy a couple of towns away ............just my two cents good luck
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Post by fireball894 »

That close together, you are going to bleed each other. And if he only is on sideband 1% of the time, I wouldnt worry to much anyway.
Channel 32, or sometimes 33 and or 34......
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Post by Slim Jim »

TwentyTwo-Zero wrote:Unless he is made aware of the problem it will not improve since he has no idea he is bleeding over. A civil discussion over a beer or a cup of coffee could go a long ways in resolving things. As mentioned, a reduction in modulation and filtering may help. It could also be due to the proximity of your antennas, in which case there is very little either of you can do to resolve it...
It's amazing what a few inches of space added between your face and the mic can do for bleedover! I sat right here at my computer one day with the speakers on while I was transmitting. Keep in mind, every microphone and radio combination I can put together will act differently, but over all this is what I found: Holding the microphone 2 inches from mouth = modulation in red on the meter and distorted speech-type sounds coming from my computer speakers. Holding the mic 5 or 6 inches from mouth = modulation swinging from 85-105% on the meter with almost no bleedover on computer speakers. Also take into consideration that this was done using stock mics. Add 7-10 feet for D104-use... :lol:

P.S. Like 220 said, sit out on the front porch with the guy one day and discuss it over a cold one.
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Post by Stoneman »

puller wrote:could this also be because we are about 150 yards apart and we both run about 450 watts RMS. and i know that i bleed him bad too. i really wouldn't mind if i was able to listen in.

Get on ebay, you could find a cheap ssb radio, even a mobile unit!
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Post by TheTeZ »

you can find some good deals on ebay... but be careful!!! a lot of the "peaked and tuned"radios on ebay are more like "slashed and hacked" radios they sound like crap, cant hear and have a handful of other problems
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Post by puller »

well me and my neighbor talked and like I've said he is super nice guy, and he was pretty shocked that he was bleeding me. but to my surprise a day after he comes over to my house carrying a tvi filter. I'm not sure what brand it is but i can tell you the thing feels pretty solid. turns out i was bleeding him too, but just a very little bit. he actually called his SSB friends up and got us both tvi filters. both of our bleedover problems are all but gone now :D i gotta say i think i lucked out big time having a neighbor that is such a nice guy. he even offered to let me use his 2950 till i got my base, but i almost got enough money to get my 2980wx.
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Post by Foxhunter »

puller wrote:well me and my neighbor talked and like I've said he is super nice guy, and he was pretty shocked that he was bleeding me. but to my surprise a day after he comes over to my house carrying a tvi filter. I'm not sure what brand it is but i can tell you the thing feels pretty solid. turns out i was bleeding him too, but just a very little bit. he actually called his SSB friends up and got us both tvi filters. both of our bleedover problems are all but gone now :D i gotta say i think i lucked out big time having a neighbor that is such a nice guy. he even offered to let me use his 2950 till i got my base, but i almost got enough money to get my 2980wx.
Hey Puller!

Glad you followed "the diplomatic approach" first that was smart and decent of you. No sense in going over there "with both guns blazin'" as they say. It's really cool that he hooked you up with that TVI filter too, that's really best. It is always handy to have a friend on the other end rather than a feud. Offering to let you use the RCI 2950 is especially good of him. You've heard about them, now you get a free "test drive" to see what you think of the radio!
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