Kicker K500-Help!

This forum is dedicated to discussions about tube radios and tube amplifiers.
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Silver Eagle
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Joined: November 23rd, 2008, 5:22 pm
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Kicker K500-Help!


Post by Silver Eagle »

Howdy all. I'm trying to dig up some info on a K500 amp, and haven't had much luck at all. If anyone owns one or is familiar with them, I would really appreciate hearing what you know about them. Like how many tubes are inside(I think 3 6lq6's, but I'm not certain) and how many watts they'll throw out, just anything. Thanks :P

105 is qrt, off the key.
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Post by PA629 »

Basically the same as a Firebird, both made in Indiana. Usual configuration is 1 driving 3 6je6c's. Some had adjustable power, some had fixed power. You'd see "around" 200W max. on AM, "around" 400W PEP on SSB max. Most people (myself included, I have two FB's) took it easy on the tubes and ran them at much less. Which, given the price of those tubes these days, makes a lot of sense. They can be modded for 31lq6's which are more readily available, as well as able to modded to a straight 4 tuber, or a switchable 1 tuber plus straight 3 tuber. There were also 2 tube models made using the same tubes. Hope this answers a few questions. I can give you the Email to a guy that does the mods, PM me if you want it.
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Silver Eagle
Posts: 3
Joined: November 23rd, 2008, 5:22 pm
Radio: Icom 718, Washington


Post by Silver Eagle »

Thanks for the information. 73
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