A Good Reason to NOT forget to fuse!

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A Good Reason to NOT forget to fuse!


Post by TheTeZ »

i pulled a horrible mistake.
but luckely the fuse was there.

i just got a 2510 and the lights out, so i was putting a new one in. i failed to realize i left the radio on, i wanted to make sure the bulb was on, so i went to make a quick connection with the wires, connected one side, then went to do the other but it swung and hit the chassis of the radio, and smoke came from the opposite end... i wasnt very happy! i looked for burn marks or anything i could see, the radio woudlent turn i got worried because i just fried my new investment. then i went... "Ah" the fuse, and was so very happy to see it burn out.

so guys, dont forget to fuse your installs, WITH THE CORRECT SIZE FUSE! cuz someday you may make a stupid mistake like i did. youll be happy you fused it correctly.
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Post by Midlander »

I agree
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Post by plutonium233 »

That's good advice. When I first started playing with CB's I was hooking up my T-charlie-one in the boat and somehow got it hooked up backwards. The fuse blew and when I took it out it was a 40A fuse! Every other fuse I put in blew instantly after that. I dug arond in the radio and found a diode shorting the DC + and - I changed it out and was back in business after that. I figured out it acts as a 'crowbar' diode to protect against reverse polarity on the power supply, but it strongly depends on the user having the proper size fuse in there so it blows without taking anything else with it.
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Post by TheTeZ »

im an idiot.... i did it again.... but thats why their are fuses.

i HAD! orange and green going to my amps power and for some reason i hooked the red to the green. and i saw my hand going to connect the negative to the positive, i knew what i was about to do was wrong and horrible... but my hands kept right on moving. POP no more amp.... till i replaced the fuse....

i dont know whats wrong with me ... thats 2 in weeks that were completley my fault. 100% me being an idiot....

dont forget to fuse people
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Post by redneck330 »

That's a big 10-4 old buddy!
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