Dead Key?

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jug head

Dead Key?


Post by jug head »

Can someone explain dead key and the function it has on an amp?
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Falkon MX-5


Post by Falkon MX-5 »

Dead key is pretty much the peak number of watts the radio puts out just sending the carrier and no modulation.

In laymen's terms, it's how much power the radio puts out when you just key up and don't say anything.

As for the amp thing, I'm not sure. I know you need so much wattage to drive the amp and so many watts dead key to click it on [you'll hear the relay click]
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Post by Mississippifrog »

So whats better? A low dead key with big swing or a high dead key with less swing?
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Falkon MX-5


Post by Falkon MX-5 »

higher dead key with less swing. full modulation is doubling the carrier, so if your radio dead keys 1 watt and swings the full PEP, you're gonna sound like crap [see: flat topping i.e. overmodulation]
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Post by Phaze91460 »


I think that was the other way around. The carrier signal has no audio or voice and is not the real "power" behind the radio. Low dead key cuts back on the carrier while the swing is your audio.

Would like to hear from others on which is right.
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Mr RadioActive


Post by Mr RadioActive »

not to get a arguement going, but I like low deadkey, high swing=LOUD, but like falcon said if the deadkey is too low then it will sound horrible! Its a art getting it perfect!
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Post by Phaze91460 »

well, I reckon the artist can say that cuz my swing seams to be just about purrrrfect.
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Falkon MX-5


Post by Falkon MX-5 »

I realize that the meter only means so much, but I notice that the swing is about twice the dead key on my general lee and it sounds great!

OF COURSE, without a field strength meter or 52ohm test load and scope, I really can't determine that for sure, it's just a very rough estimate.
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Mr RadioActive


Post by Mr RadioActive »

See I use a 500 mhz scope everyday, but heres my idea, maybe im wrong?? Who cares what it looks like on a scope, IF it sounds loud and bodacious! Scopes are for repairs! If your radio splatters over 400 chns each key..........GREAT! If you dont want it that way, thats why some become hams. But nobody spends $500 on a radio, caring if the guy on chn 22 knows your on your new big toy on chn 23! If so, then there 2m/440 etc for you to go to.
Like I said maybe Im wrong, but if people cared about what a o-scope said then they wouldnt be buying 1000 watt Fatboys, Davemades, etc etc etc, with general lees, 99Vs, 88s, 3300s either. They be on a icom, kenwood, alinco, etc.
We dont talk into a scope, we talk on the air. Ill talk loud, phat, good sounding audio on the air anyday, before I cared what a scope said my audio looked like. I dont care about my audios looks, I care about my audios sound!!!! lol Dont get me wrong, I dont have a 500 mhz tex scope, and spectrum analizer for no reason. But big audio, is big audio. And when the radio checks come back "Loud and Proud, sounds awesome" I long forgot what the picture on the scope looked like!
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Working Cowboy


Post by Working Cowboy »

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Falkon MX-5


Post by Falkon MX-5 »

Well, it's not a big deal having a little flat topping, but there's a difference between complete modulation and over-modulation. Over-modulation shouldn't cause you to bleed over every channel. You have to remember, the power limit on many HF bands is 1500 watts, and the "minimum" frequency separation between you and another station should be 3kHz according to the rules.

Granted SSB takes up much less bandwidth, CB channels are 10kHz apart, and at 3kHz difference, you WILL be bleeding an adjacent station. The radios are good, but they're not THAT good [unless you buy one of those $15,000 ones I guess]

I guess it depends. As you said, the proof is in the pudding. If it sounds good, if it works well, then it's made well. I'd rather not have my radio splatter on 400 chans as you say, because that means I'll probably also be blacking out TVs, coming over phone lines, and the neighbors will stripe my car.
Mr.RadioActive wrote:See I use a 500 mhz scope everyday, but heres my idea, maybe im wrong?? Who cares what it looks like on a scope, IF it sounds loud and bodacious! Scopes are for repairs! If your radio splatters over 400 chns each key..........GREAT! If you dont want it that way, thats why some become hams. But nobody spends $500 on a radio, caring if the guy on chn 22 knows your on your new big toy on chn 23! If so, then there 2m/440 etc for you to go to.
Like I said maybe Im wrong, but if people cared about what a o-scope said then they wouldnt be buying 1000 watt Fatboys, Davemades, etc etc etc, with general lees, 99Vs, 88s, 3300s either. They be on a icom, kenwood, alinco, etc.
We dont talk into a scope, we talk on the air. Ill talk loud, phat, good sounding audio on the air anyday, before I cared what a scope said my audio looked like. I dont care about my audios looks, I care about my audios sound!!!! lol Dont get me wrong, I dont have a 500 mhz tex scope, and spectrum analizer for no reason. But big audio, is big audio. And when the radio checks come back "Loud and Proud, sounds awesome" I long forgot what the picture on the scope looked like!
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Falkon MX-5


Post by Falkon MX-5 »


The idea is for full modulation, the modulated watts double the carrier watts.

either way, power is power. If you totally flat top your modulation, you'll still be loud, you just won't sound too good.

I'd rather have a radio that dead keys 25 watts and swings 50 than one that dead keys 10 watts and swings 40. I'd rather have it than that one that dead keys 10 and swings the full 50.

This is peak, not average watts.
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Post by Mississippifrog »

I was just wondering what was the best way to run my radio.Right now with with my RF power turned all the way to the left my radio is keying about 1 watt with the amp off.With the amp on it will dead key 20 watts swinging to 500,some times more.I'm all the time hearing people on the radio saying that they are dead keying 100,200,even 300 watts.Now don't get me wrong my radio is talking!!!But i was wondering why my numbers seam to be so far off from theres.Also i have noticed when these people with the big dk's are talking they don't have much modulation on my meter.From the time they key up till the time they unkey the needle just sets in the same place.On the other hand people are all ways telling me "man that radios got some forward swing" or something like "your dead keying a 3 swinging a 9" So which way is right?I'm assuming a low dead key is better on the this right?Sorry for all the questions but i always say,if you don't know....ask :mrgreen:

PS I've had nothing but good radio checks with my setup this way.But if raising the dead key would make it better..........i'd like to know :mrgreen:
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Mr RadioActive


Post by Mr RadioActive »

Heck if that was true every dave made amp would sound like crap. A dave made 2x8 base box for example keys 400-500 swings 2400 and sounds awesome. 1x4 mobile 150w-700-800w pep, it goes on and on. The radio I use everyday keys 2.5 watts and swings 45 pep. The radios I setup everyday key 4.5 with 45 pep. They all sound awesome! Every swp/rx general lee does the same, they sound awesome. If you cant keep up the RMS watts then maybe thats true.
99% of all good sounding radios are low deadkeys, high swing!

Ive got to get off this thread before I make people mad! Falcon your 105% right on so much, but I disagree with this thread. You do have awesome high standards, and alot of knowledge of ham radios, which is awesome. I can totally hang with you there. Your one of the top guys on this forum, so Im not slapping you in the face I hope, Id never mean to do that. I just disagree 100%, but maybe Im wrong. Ive been wrong once or twice before! lol
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Post by bazookajoe »

my setup on low keys about 50 watts, and swings to 1800 rms
on high it dead keys 800 watts and swings to 1800 rms
with the radio itself keying 2 watts and swinging to 20 watts rms
and they tell me i`m nasty nast nasty loud. and xtal clean even with my s9 echo... :mrgreen: ofcourse my swr is flat flat flat... and a total reflect of only about 2 watts at full power and i love my Lmr600 ultraflex coax... woo hoo :Peace!:
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Falkon MX-5


Post by Falkon MX-5 »

No, you're totally right. The proof is right there. Honestly, in this case, what I know is what I've heard, and what I've heard isn't necessarily correct. You have the experience, you tuned my radio, and you tell me what it's set up to do. If it's sounding good as it is, then what you've done is right, and keep it up. I really have much more to learn about radios. What I've really been working with is antenna theory.
Mr.RadioActive wrote: Ive got to get off this thread before I make people mad! Falcon your 105% right on so much, but I disagree with this thread. You do have awesome high standards, and alot of knowledge of ham radios, which is awesome. I can totally hang with you there. Your one of the top guys on this forum, so Im not slapping you in the face I hope, Id never mean to do that. I just disagree 100%, but maybe Im wrong. Ive been wrong once or twice before! lol
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Mr RadioActive


Post by Mr RadioActive »

No prob man your one of my favorite guys on the forum. I like your knowledge on stuff. Its nice to have another ham radio lover on the forum. I wasnt trying to be jerky or anything you have my deep repsect. I just was disagreeing. Thats for not getting bent out of shape. Its hard on a forum to disagree. You always sound like your trying to be a idiot, and thats never my intention!
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Post by Phaze91460 »

If everyone agreed on everything, what a boaring world it would be.
Sometimes it takes a little friction to learn anything, never be afraid to voice your opinion or stand your ground, and be gracious when your wrong.
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jug head

dead key troble maker


Post by jug head »

Radioactive...The reason I asked is I just got a RCI 6900F150 and want to run an amp. I know this radio has variable power but want to understand what dead key is and what I need to do to run the amp without damaging the radio or amp. I had no intention of starting an argument.
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Post by Rex_foxhound »

Don't worry there good buddy. I don't think you started anything close to an "argument". More of an "engaging learning experiance". lol
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Mr RadioActive


Post by Mr RadioActive »

No big deal at all. I just respect Falkon and wanted to let him know that!

Anyway, moving on............deadkey has alot to do with amps, but what type of amp were you going to drive? A F150 is too much drive to run alot of amps. What amp were you thinking of getting?
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jug head

dead key


Post by jug head »

It is a Pal tube type base amp. I think it is a 201 BDX
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Mr RadioActive


Post by Mr RadioActive »

Humm its been awhile since I ran a pal box, last one was a skipper. Id have to look that one up! Im getting old! lol
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Falkon MX-5


Post by Falkon MX-5 »

Mr.RadioActive wrote:No big deal at all. I just respect Falkon and wanted to let him know that!
Hey man, I respect you too. I trust your knowledge and experience. I tell ya I've only soldered one PL-259 for my coax in my entire experience. I've never tuned a radio on a scope. I've built and tuned a couple of antennas. Your years of experience trump my inexperience, and that's why I recommend you to my radio friends. When I stuck my Generl Lee on the guy's bird meter, they learned why you're known nationwide. I appreciate even more that you take the time to be on these forums.

That said, you never came off as a jerk in any way, shape or form. Quite the opposite, really!
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Mr RadioActive


Post by Mr RadioActive »

LOL yea what thumper said, if your radio has a deadkey then send it to me! Nobody wants a "dead"key on their radio! lol
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