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Police Scanner Purchase??

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Police Scanner Purchase??


Post by SilverHummer »

I am new to this police scanning thing!
I would like to know which handheld scanner (I am in Saint John New Brunswick Canada) to buy under $150.
.Best scanner and best value for my dollar (usb equipped)??MGHZ and trunk?
I look forward to your response
Thanks! :confused:
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Circuit Breaker
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Re: Police Scanner Purchase??


Post by Circuit Breaker »

Information for your area seems limited, but it doesn't appear they use a trunked radio system. It appears to be a conventional 800MHz system. If that is the case, then a Uniden BC95XLT may work for you. It runs about $109 U.S. from Scanner Master. However, if I may, I would recommend the BC246T. It runs $209 U.S. but the added price will allow you to monitor trunked systems if there are any in your area. And, since a lot of areas do use trunked systems, you'll be able to hear a lot more when you go on a trip somewhere.
Yaesu FT-950
Yaesu FT-8100
Icom IC-2820 (with D-Star capability)
Kenwood TR-751 2M all mode mobile
Kenwood TM-3530 220 MHz mobile
Uniden Washington Base
Uniden HR-2510
Icom ID-92 HT
SteppIR 40-6M Yagi
OCF 75/80M dipole
Diamond V2000A 6M/2M/70cm ground plane antenna
Antron 99
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Re: Police Scanner Purchase??


Post by MoJo »

shoot me a pm and we will talk scanners
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