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Post by madsage »

A Couple months backs i posted a question about SSB delay for a Dave Made class C amplifier,
I recieved several responces, that i was nutts. That its easy to add a cap to the relay, That this cant be done.
And that its recomended that an amplifier to be class AB biased for SSB use.

One member sugested this could be done to a DM, biased to class AB and then SSB delay be added.
I took the discussion off forum to private message with the memeber and they shared with me that they had experiance in such a thing.
I asked them if they would do the job for me. And they agreed to do so against his busy schedule.

So, I packed up my DM 2x8 and sent it out for modification to Linearone.
He called me when the box arrived, I had asked him to check the box out well first and he did,
He reported back saying it was in tip top shape, putting out about 2200watts PEP at 15volt, And 800 bird watts RMS.
The project took him about a week, as he has family and a job. Nor did i want him to rush it of course.

To make a long story short, I got the box back this last Monday. I opened it up, and was amazed at all that was done,
there are two banks of regulators on nice looking heat sinks for the bias voltage, a new key circuit to active the biasing when key down detected,
there are sensing diodes across some of the pills to detect heat and change the bias voltage to accomidate load. there are also some small trimmers to set the initial bias voltage as well. the wiring and placement of components and solder work all look very professional.

I hooked the unit up, and first tried AM, first thing i noticed was the extra little click in the key circuit, the dk was about the same as before, with 2watt in i was seeing about 300watt out. on Modulation the box swung right up and slapped the side on the 1kw scale with the variable power on the box at 50%, before i was seeing about 800. So I turned the varible power up to 100% and tried it again, it went well over 2wk at 18volts. Maxed my meter out! This baby seems to have way MORE punch now!

I got some reports on the audio quality, still crystal clear as before. We then tried SSB mode, keyed up, no carrier as expected. started modulating and wiow right away, slaps the meter again! Got report of crystal clear audio still. Infact i was told i sounds like I do off radio. and that it was putting down the hammer as well.

Had another guy operate the box while i drove across town to work the next day so i could hear it myself. Man it sounds good, and i was still seeing 7 S-units 35miles away on side band. Man, this is impressive! I could not get this kind of power out of the box before with the single final cobra2000. Not to mention It had NO SBB capability prior. Now its an SSB MONSTER!

I just wanted to let you all know, and convey my thanks and gratitude to Linearone for his awesome work,
Very clear and pompt communication at all times, also he did all this at a very reasonably in cost.

If anybody ever wanted SSB capability on their class C box, i would highly recomend Linearone to AB bias and add a delay for you.

The 933 RiffRaff
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Re: linearone


Post by linearone »

Im glad you're happy and that it works well for you. :cheers:
Its CB radio, plug and play technology, its just not that hard folks...
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Re: linearone


Post by madsage »

linearone wrote:Im glad you're happy and that it works well for you. :cheers:
Yeah man,

I was talking to 1212 in Maui Hawaii on 38LSB with massive QRM, everybody wants to talk to the minigrass.
When i keyed i took out all of texas and cali at the same time.. all 1212 could hear was Arizona 933.

We made contact back and forth several times though the evening, sure conditions were required to skip 1500miles
But everytime i keyed 1212 Maui would come back to me as about 20 other stations would try.

Anyways, enough with the brags, just wanted to share how well a davemade can own the side bands too.
Very impressed still.

This Ain't Your Grandfather's Oldsmobile

the 933 RiffRaff
in the stickers
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