Amp question

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Amp question


Post by 265 »

I am just getting back on the air after being off for many years, I am trying to get my mobile off the ground before investing into my base system, I have a Superstar 3900 and using a Galaxy 250 amp with a Wilson 500 ant, this is being used in a ford econoline van, now what is the best way for me to hook up this system, and is this good enough for me to do some skipp shooting?
Thanks for all and any advice
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Re: Amp question


Post by 'Doc »

Lots of possible ways of doing that installing. In a very rough way, larger power wires are better than smaller ones. Having enough power to feed everything is also nice (don't think you'll have any problems there). Just remember, smaller wires 'eat' more than they carry for long distances. Big wires 'eat' less per unit length. Like it or not, a fixed or 'hard' mounted antenna works better than one on a magnet, fewer things change as often.
Can you 'talk skip' with your proposed system? Sure, why not? All the time? Of course not, nothing will do that. A mobile will not 'do' better than a fixed station with an 80 element beam and a 1000 foot tower, so I don't think you ought'a expect that (and I don't expect that you expect to do that, but it get's the idea across, right?).
About the only thing that's really changed since you've been gone is that the band is fairly 'crappy' because of the sun-spot cycle. It's on the 'up-swing', so it's gonna get better.
- 'Doc
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