What would it take to run an 8pill?

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Post by MoJo »

a 2 or a 4 pill would drive it, use good quality wire. An extra alternator and battery probably wouldn't hurt.
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Post by Popcorn501 »

A 1x2 will drive the 8 pill the best unless it isn't a comp style 8 pill.And as far as alt and battery go you will need a good 200 amp alt to run it with the truck,or a seperate alt at 200 amps.
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Post by drdx »

Well, 8 pill is kind of a ballpark phrase. Are you a sideband operator? Do you like a minimal carrier and a big swing, or a larger carrier and minimal swing? What class of amp? This all factors in as far as what to expect for amperage draw. The most extreme case would be that you like AM and a big deadkey. The easiest would be the sideband choice, with the swinger in the middle. Peak amperage is mentioned often when talking about an amp, but remember, you only draw that big peak number on peak modulation, so you aren't just driving around sucking amperage. The system will have some time to recover and the batteries will cushion some of that draw if you are marginal.

You're aware I'm sure of the requirements as far as the antenna is concerned. Amperage wise, figure in a minimum of 10 amps per 100 watts out that you desire, plus what it takes to power the driver, and the vehicle itself. At minimum I'd think 2 batteries and a 175 amp or bigger alternator. You mentioned getting it now and beefing the rest up later. You can certainly do that. If that's the case, just low drive it until everything is up to the task. Use very thick cable to feed it, something of the #2 variety or bigger if the run is long. Sure, thinner wire will work but we're talking about minimizing voltage drop as well.

Yes it's me, Dollar-98, drdx, the original all maul, shot cawla on workin this no-fade technology.

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Re: What would it take to run an 8pill?


Post by 6 Honolulu »

I've been running an 8 pill Dave Made for 10+ years. I run 2 seprate alternators. 1st a drop-in that replace my stock alternator was 60 amps now 170 amps externally regulated more then enough to run 1+2 Dave driver, charging @ 14.5v, 12v battery system. 2nd alternator is a 200amp Powerline alternator also externally regulated that charges @ 16v, with a 14v battery system.
I find it smooth sailing when it come to talking for 4-5 hours straight.
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Re: What would it take to run an 8pill?


Post by 'Doc »

If all 'pills' were the same it would be fairly easy to guesstimate it's power requirements, drive levels, etc. But since all 'pills' are not the same, finding out what they actually are makes sense, don't you think? Hell of a difference between eight 2n2222's and eight 2sc2879's.
- 'Doc
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Re: What would it take to run an 8pill?


Post by BIG R 184 »

You could use a 200 amp motor maul . Then you would,nt need to add any alternaters, just add 2 batterys. Make sure your coax and ant will handle that 8 pill. Your 1+2 will be a good driver. motor mauls are easy to install , and you can set your voltage from 12-20 volts.
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Re: What would it take to run an 8pill?


Post by Twink »

BIG R 184 wrote:You could use a 200 amp motor maul . Then you would,nt need to add any alternaters, just add 2 batterys. Make sure your coax and ant will handle that 8 pill. Your 1+2 will be a good driver. motor mauls are easy to install , and you can set your voltage from 12-20 volts.

tht's what i plan on doing. i've got a WW 1x2 now, gonna use it to drive a WW 8 pill on a motormaul. if you run it on an alternator, you'll get 2000 watts if yer lucky. if you run it on a maul, you can crank it up to 20 volts, and get 4000.
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Re: What would it take to run an 8pill?


Post by BIG R 184 »

Hi Twink, 4000 watts from a 8 pill is to high . U might see 3200 peak if everything is perfecl.Alts will work as good or better its just harder to mount alts & brackets . I have used motor mauls since 1996 .I have a 400 amp Xforce With 4 8ds and a 200 amp powermaster alt ,it fits in stock bracket with no mods. I run my 16 pill with no problems. Good luck with your setup.
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Re: What would it take to run an 8pill?


Post by tubegangsta »

6 Honolulu wrote:Aloha,
I've been running an 8 pill Dave Made for 10+ years. I run 2 seprate alternators. 1st a drop-in that replace my stock alternator was 60 amps now 170 amps externally regulated more then enough to run 1+2 Dave driver, charging @ 14.5v, 12v battery system. 2nd alternator is a 200amp Powerline alternator also externally regulated that charges @ 16v, with a 14v battery system.
I find it smooth sailing when it come to talking for 4-5 hours straight.
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^ Truly the proper way to run an 8 pill...^
Nice set up Victor
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Re: What would it take to run an 8pill?


Post by 6 Honolulu »

I always say to other breakers here in Honolulu.
Very simple words "always run extra more amps then you need."
I never run fuses inline with my Dave Made Amps you shouldn't need it there anyways.
(The only place I have a fuse is at the radio always!!!!)
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Re: What would it take to run an 8pill?


Post by 6 Honolulu »

tubegangsta wrote:
6 Honolulu wrote:Aloha,
I've been running an 8 pill Dave Made for 10+ years. I run 2 seprate alternators. 1st a drop-in that replace my stock alternator was 60 amps now 170 amps externally regulated more then enough to run 1+2 Dave driver, charging @ 14.5v, 12v battery system. 2nd alternator is a 200amp Powerline alternator also externally regulated that charges @ 16v, with a 14v battery system.
I find it smooth sailing when it come to talking for 4-5 hours straight.
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^ Truly the proper way to run an 8 pill...^
Nice set up Victor
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Re: What would it take to run an 8pill?


Post by 'Doc »

No fuse? Why not? Sounds kind's silly to me. But it's your wallet, not mine.
- 'Doc
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Re: What would it take to run an 8pill?


Post by 6 Honolulu »

'Doc wrote:No fuse? Why not? Sounds kind's silly to me. But it's your wallet, not mine.
- 'Doc
Yea sounds crazy not running any fuses. But, I have confidents in my set-up every connector is soldered.
I'm the type that sets it and forgets it. (10+ years still no problems) Dave Made Amps are tough enough to go without it.
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