Any recomendations on radios that have the ability to scan?

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Any recomendations on radios that have the ability to scan?


Post by blackjackel »

It seems like CB radio is dead in los angeles, barely anyone talks on CB anymore, so I'm looking for a cb radio with an auto scan feature that can go through all the channels constantly and find the channel that people are talking on.

I didn't even know this feature was available in radios untill i found the cobra 18 wx st II

Are there any other good radios with this feature?
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Re: Any recomendations on radios that have the ability to scan?


Post by rayray1963 »

The RCI 2950DX is everything you couls ask for in a radio. It has the scan feature and is rock soild on SSB as well as AM. Well worth the money.

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Re: Any recomendations on radios that have the ability to scan?


Post by 'Doc »

CB is dead in L.A.? Really? That sounds sort of odd. I wasn't aware that any CB radio did scanning, monitoring, sure, but not scanning. Learn something everyday.
- 'Doc
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Re: Any recomendations on radios that have the ability to scan?


Post by linx »

RCI 2950DX or nothing.

Avoid the little plastic radios like the Cobra 18 WX ST
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Re: Any recomendations on radios that have the ability to scan?


Post by Foxhunter »

blackjackel wrote:It seems like CB radio is dead in los angeles, barely anyone talks on CB anymore, so I'm looking for a cb radio with an auto scan feature that can go through all the channels constantly and find the channel that people are talking on.

I didn't even know this feature was available in radios untill i found the cobra 18 wx st II

Are there any other good radios with this feature?
You didn't say if you were looking for mobie or base. Part of it too depends on what "**Censored**" of radio you are looking for that has the CB channel scanner feature. Like already said the RCI2950DX has it and so does a similar Galaxy Saturn base I own. These are "higher end" (so-to-speak) CB radios.

A more cost-effective alternative purchase option would be a Radio Shack Realistic TRC-495 base radio which also has the CB channel scan feature. It is a smaller base station radio with a button that can be pressed and it will scan for channel activity. Has none of the "bells and whistles" that the RCI or Galaxy has, but does offer a CB base radio with a decent scanner at an affordable price. It's modifiable too. One can be picked up off Ebay fairly cheap if you are so inclined. I bought one a month or so ago at a flea market and it works perfect.

Some scanners (both new and old) also cover the 27mHZ CB frequencies. You'd just have to check the specifications on each unit to see if it does or not. It wouldn't show the CB "channel" though, just the actual frequency. But if you are familiar with CB channel's corresponding frequencies----it's no big deal. Or if not it would be a good learning excercise to get familar with them!

Hard to believe that any major metropolitan area wouldn't have the airwaves jammed, what gives? Anyway hope it helps.

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Re: Any recomendations on radios that have the ability to scan?


Post by 385 »

As bad as I hate to promote a magnum product, I believe the magnum 257 has a scan feature.
Not to say that ALL magnum radios are bad but their customer service stinks.
385, Tracy
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Re: Any recomendations on radios that have the ability to sc


Post by WDVLRDIO »

This is an old post but I have the same problem. I travel the panhandle of Florida and often in backwoods so scan would be a nice option. Any suggestions would be helpful.
Years ago I had a Magnum Delta Force, IIRC it would scan. I know a guy that has one I could probably get, but is that a good choice or are there better or cheaper options?
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Re: Any recomendations on radios that have the ability to sc


Post by MDYoungblood »

Quite a few of the new 10m conversion radios have a scan feature, some of our members are happy with them. Look at the new version of the Grant II and Lincoln II, all the RCI Rangers models using the 2950 board, CDE, and a few more. Check out he sponsors sites, [Please login or register to view this link] .


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Re: Any recomendations on radios that have the ability to sc


Post by redlght »

My washington with the encoder channel mods has scan
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Re: Any recomendations on radios that have the ability to sc


Post by WDVLRDIO »

Thanks for the quick reply's. I really like the RCI radios.
There are a couple of Washingtons on ebay pretty cheap. I might start with one of those, practice my repair/mod skills and save up for an RCI from one of the sponsors.
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Re: Any recomendations on radios that have the ability to sc


Post by 1206FL »

Also look at the optima mk3. Grest SSB rsadio! And has scan option. Just some more radios to
Think about. Have fun choosing one!!
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Re: Any recomendations on radios that have the ability to sc


Post by bbqradio »

WDVLRDIO wrote:This is an old post but I have the same problem. I travel the panhandle of Florida and often in backwoods so scan would be a nice option. Any suggestions would be helpful.

Bearcat 980SSB if you need SSB, Cobra 29LX for AM only. Hooked to a 102" whip, a magnetic Wilson 5000 or Truckspec TS-2500S on a 5" magnetic or Tram tri- magnet mount, coupled with a KL-203po.

I'm constantly scanning with my Bearcat, love that function, specially while long highway drives. :mrgreen:
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Re: Any recomendations on radios that have the ability to sc


Post by Bman »

My Intek HR 5500 scans has dual watch as well . Same as my Midland radio has these functions. :icon_e_wink: Bman/Dave
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Re: Any recomendations on radios that have the ability to sc


Post by smoke blower »

I am not sure if anyone else has found this but on the connex 3400 if you just barely turn the channel selector the radio will scan. I have had two of these radios and they both would do it just turn the knob just alittle without it changing to the next channel and it will scan.
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