Teaberry T-Command

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Teaberry T-Command


Post by CW_357 »

Anyone here familier with the Teaberry T-Command? I'm playing around with one now & am wondering if it's a decent radio? Anyone know how old they are? I had an old Model T a long time ago, but i don't really know much about this model... any input would be appreciated!
73's cw_357
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Re: Teaberry T-Command


Post by super20dan »

they are from the late 70,s. i have one and its a great radio and i use it daily now. nothing neg to report with these
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Re: Teaberry T-Command


Post by Foxhunter »

I've got a small Teaberry mobile and base unit. The T-Command is bigger and I think one of their better units. It's strange it's not even listed on CBTricks.com in their Teaberry section. I know their Teaberry "Stalker" line of radios were very popular and still sell for quite a few bucks today. I don't know all that much about them and honesty I don't think a whole lot of others do either, judging both from the lack of abundant information on them online, and from the lack of replies to your thread. But the above poster is right, they are from the 1970's. Whenever I see a Teaberry radio it makes me think of Teaberry chewing gum for some reason.

[ external image ]

I haven't seen them commonly, but I'd check online for an original Owners Manual/User's Guide on like you'll often find on Ebay. I will say, there's nothing like having the original paperwork with a radio such as yours, for reference, schematics and parts numbers etc. Real handy. Aside from that, it usually will also increase the resale value of the radio enough to cover the original cost of buying the manual, and it attracts more potential buyers by having original paperwork on the unit. Something to think about.

[ external image ]
Other Teaberry Radio Pictures from:
Teaberry Base CB Radios
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This website here below, although I don't know when it was written, is a used CB price guide and lists the Teaberry T-Commander (circa 1977) as "rare" being worth appx. $110 at that time from average Ebay sales prices.
Teaberry CB Radio Used Price Guide
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If you want to read a little more information on Teaberry out of interest, read what I found for another member, who never even answered back unfortunately.

Stalker 55?
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Anyway I hope some of this might have been of interest and even a little helpful.

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Re: Teaberry T-Command


Post by super20dan »

i have a command t-a stalker 202-and a stalker xv all bases and all great radios as you would expect from a uniden
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Re: Teaberry T-Command


Post by drdx »

Many of those teaberry radios were unidens under the hood. I had one long ago that had a gold ring around the face and gold knobs and all, great am mobile. As mentioned above, they were a premium brand tho kind of odd. I think they were a little ahead of their time on some of their models.

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Re: Teaberry T-Command


Post by TheCBDoctor »

Hi CW_357

The Teaberry T- command (4007) can be found in Sams Photofacts CB-195. It has the complete service manual. It is actually made for Teaberry by Uniden. It is a dual conversion receiver, 10.695 MHz and 455 KHz.

The PLL is a UPD858. The radio was introduced in the USA in 1977. The audio chip is a UPC1156H. The radio uses high side signal injection and can be modified for channels. It is strictly AM.

If there is anything I can help you with about the radio email me at any time,

Respectfully as always,

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Re: Teaberry T-Command


Post by Foxhunter »

CW_357 wrote:Anyone here familier with the Teaberry T-Command? I'm playing around with one now & am wondering if it's a decent radio? Anyone know how old they are? I had an old Model T a long time ago, but i don't really know much about this model... any input would be appreciated!
73's cw_357

Well, did you find anything that was written in the thread here useful for you ?

Never did hear back from you.

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Re: Teaberry T-Command


Post by CW_357 »

Hey, thanks for all the great info everyone! Sounds like this old Teaberry of mine is a pretty decent radio! I have to pull it back out of the closet this coming weekend & see if i can get it going one more time. I was trying to wire a mic to it when i had it out last, but every spare stock mic i "had" were crap so i trashed'em all...lol gotta get a new one or two! But I do appreciate all the input from you guys! Ya'll have a good day & 73's Rob aka "ColdWhiskey"
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Re: Teaberry T-Command


Post by SugarBear56 »

I have owned three "T -Command" Base stations over the years - Here are some simple mods to make them "Talk" like a 1000 GTL
For broad band and better power balance locate R49 towards the rear ( 27ohm) - change it to a 10/15 ohm
In the audio section clip D 14 and remove C 104 - - Remove R97 10K ohm and replace with a 15K ohm - Remove and save R72 2.2K to a 1k ohm - Then pull R73 4.7K ohm and replace it with the 2.2k pulled out of the R72 slot

These changes will really boost to modulation and swing
If you still want more , by an amplifier Cause - "She is giving you all she's got Captain ! "
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