browning r27

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unit 1
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browning r27


Post by unit 1 »

this is my 1st browning i have a r27 radio was working fine and it all of a sudden lost receive sound. could it be a tube ???
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Re: browning r27


Post by silverstreak »

Tube or Cap.Best thing to do with one of those radios if you are going to keep it is replace all tubes and caps.
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Re: browning r27


Post by 'Doc »

It could certainly be a tube, or a capacitor, but there are a few other things that could cause it. How do you know what it is? Do the typical checking. Any tubes not light up? Anything look like it's been real hot, or leaked, or broke? Anything smell burned? Give it a good looking over. Then what? If you don't have the equipment to check it with, I'd recommend taking it to someone who does. It can be something simple, but then it doesn't have to be.
- 'Doc
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The Shadow
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Re: browning r27


Post by The Shadow »

If you're going to work on any tube radios the first thing you need to do is get an isolation transformer. NEVER work on tube gear unless it's plugged into a good isolation transformer! These radios can KILL you! An isolation transformer does just what it sounds like- it isolates you from the line voltage. It WILL save your life! Also, when you're poking around in a live chassis keep one hand in your pocket. That way if you touch a live short you won't complete the circuit with your body. Bad things happen when you do that!
Now, did you lose all power or just sound? Did all the tubes light up and did they all stay lit after it quit? Did you hear any loud hum or buzz? In old tube radios you will always need to replace the electrolytic filter caps as well as the paper & wax caps. These will either already be bad/leaky or will be soon. Most of your tubes will probably still be good. Tubes do not go bad as often as most people think. Remove each tube from it's socket, one at a time, and check it against the schematic to make sure it's the right tube in the right socket. You'd be surprised how often you'll find either the wrong tube or the right tube in the wrong socket. Then, use your ohm meter and check for continuity between the filament pins. If you find an open, toss that tube and get a replacement. If all filaments test good then they should work well enough for testing the radio and you can have someone with a good tube tester check them for quality later. Let me know all the symptoms and I'll try to help you get it going!

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