Getting the itch again

Tell us what you're doing from day to day. Post your daily notes here about any radio projects that you are working on.
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Posts: 1
Joined: December 26th, 2006, 5:33 pm
Handle: Slowhand
Real Name: Butch Walters
Antenna: 4 element yagi flat
Radio: 2995

Getting the itch again


Post by slowhand »

Been mostly out of CB for a couple years. Digging out my old radios and cleaning up the radio room. Got an old Brute 75 I stripped and I'm converting it to use four 17KV6A tubes.
Had a crankup tower but a storm knocked the movinable part down. I'm looking for a good deal on a free-standing tower now. I'll use what I still have up to raise and lower it.
I'm always looking for broke down amps and nice electrical chassis to build stuff in. Look for me on channel 28 around Monroe NC

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