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I need help


Post by alphabeta »

I have just installed a little midland cb in my Ranger. I put a 102" ss on my rear bumper and it picks up pretty good although I haven't checked my swr yet. How much difference would kicker make? What size would I want? How far will it reach without the kicker? Thanx!
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Post by THUMPER »

well your only good as the radio

your antenna is a good one hard to beat a 102" whip
it is raely hard to say how far you would get out with that set up
i mean one day you may get out 10-20 miles and the next 2-5

yes a amp will help ya get out better i would say a 1x2 or 2pill would get ya the little punch you need to get out

now that being said what all has been done to your midland?
to run a am you may need to send it in to have it match to what ever amp you pick out
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Post by 231 »

You'll want to make sure you check your SWR's before you consider putting an amp on there. Yes, the 102" is a decent performer...but can experience side reflection issues if mounted on say a bumper on the back of a truck, side of an all steel SUV, etc. Bad SWR's you'll certainly damage any amp you put in line.

That being said, I agree with Thumper. And the range is purely guess work. Much of that answer will depend on your contact's equipment and antenna system. And I also agree that you'll want to get the radio tuned/aligned properly (along with maybe a power mic) to clean up the modulation and get some swing out of the amp. This is where the "matching" comes into play.

With a simple 100 watt'r you'll reach out and touch someone...provided your antenna system is set up correctly.

Hope that helps some.
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Mr RadioActive


Post by Mr RadioActive »

Some good advise above, wanted to welcome you to the forum.

Thumper made a great point your amplifer will only be as good as the radio. Stand infront of a amplified mirror with a zit on your head it looks bigger, but never better! Amplifiers amplify!
A amplifer can only amplify whats infront of it. If you have a bodacious radio, it will amplify a more bodacious radio. If you have a so-so radio your system will only be more so-so. Listen on chn 19 lots of loud radios, loud but surely dont sound good!
Not saying your radios bad, not saying get rid of it, but Id always invest in a great radio before I started paying for a amplifer.

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Post by Mississippifrog »

Well it looks like I'm late again,these guys already got you on the right track. :mrgreen:

By the way, :06-34wel: to the forum.......where are you at in MS?
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Big Guns


Post by Big Guns »

Welcome to the forum, and I would say the guys covered everything pretty well up above.
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