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Candle 5 band reciever

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Candle 5 band reciever


Post by Sporty Mike »

I recently aqquired this Candle 5 band reciever. It's a good looking and good working little shortwave radio, only thing is I can find NO info on 'em!!

Anybody got one, or heard of 'em? It has AM, FM, SW, MB, VHF/ police, cool looking black and chrome rig, like from late 60's early 70's.

It works great and sounds good, picked it up at the local thrift store for 9 bucks.

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Re: Candle 5 band reciever


Post by tubehead »

dont get mad now....

candle made cheap stuff. think cheap pocket transistor radios. if it works for you, enjoy it and have fun!
waving a hand from the bikini state..
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Re: Candle 5 band reciever


Post by Sporty Mike »

Hey, no worries Tubehead, I had never heard of the brand. And until you responded still hadn't. Cheap or not, it works great and has a really nice rich tone to it's sound. But, I'm sure that even the "cheap" stuff 35 years ago was made better than most of the stuff today. If you click on my Signature photo, that's it second to the left on the top shelf.

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Re: Candle 5 band reciever


Post by tubehead »

in the late 60's - early 70's was a flood of multiband radios on the market that were riding the laurels of the zenith transoceanic. a zenith was ALOT of money so the guys overseas saw an opportunity to fill the need cheaply. you'll run into lots of pleather covered multiband portables still to this day as they sold millions of them.

candle made mostly pocket transistor radios and some of them are actually sought after because of their cool designs. few transistor radio collectors actually play them though. i collect old radios and try to make them all work. those cheaper transistor radios are fragile. if you decide to go in there and fix anything that breaks be very careful. the plastics have gotten brittle and stuff cracks easily. the circuit boards werent the best quality either.

some used battery cases that are made of milky white plastic. those crack real easy so be gentle when loading the thing with batteries.
waving a hand from the bikini state..
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Re: Candle 5 band reciever


Post by Sporty Mike »

The best one I have is a Realistic Patrolman SW-60, out of all the transistor SW's I have it works the best and is in the best condition, second would be a Sears model that even includes the CB band. I have a Sony that is absolutely beautiful, like it just came out of the box, but it dosen't work. I don't even know where to start because it does NOTHING, no power on, nothing.

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Re: Candle 5 band reciever


Post by tubehead »

i have this sony...
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looks really cool but had to go back to sony 3 times for them to get it right. this was at the actual sony service center mind you. it started out exactly as you said, totally dead. apparently sony had a real bad run with caps in the era my radio was made. now it works great but its a nightmare in that little box. i wouldnt try to fix it myself. i think i paid sony $175 or so to fix it about 8-9 years ago. i had nothing in the radio so it didnt hurt too much to drop coin in it.

i heard sony quit working on their older shortwave receivers so getting that sony you have fixed might be an issue.
waving a hand from the bikini state..
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Re: Candle 5 band reciever


Post by lucky13 »

Hey MIKE; I had that model of Candle portable back in 1974 my big brother graduated college & gave it to me, he bought it new in 71. It was one of the first swl all transister radios i owned , mass produced , butt a very rugged well built radio. I ran it none stop for years , had a good quality sound, funky colour lites that changed with the bands, recieved well on all bands & most of all was as good or better than than my buddys radios radios of that era! Never had to clean switches or pots , almost perfect. Now it wouldnt hold close to a YAESU FRG_7, ZENITH 7000, etc; butt it was in a different $$$ range. And yes it did DIE in early 90,s & i parted it out. Just my 2 cents worth ! As for your sony,,,''google" the model # & sony ,problems or repairs. you might find some a quick fix. all the best , Bob. lucky 13.
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