what shortwave do you have?

This forum is dedicated to the discussion and support of shortwave radios and scanners.
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Post by doctor »

I use a ft857 for swl listening with a dipole.
I have a hobby of listening to pirate stations on ...6925u to 6969u, and belong to a forum for shortwave listening..Also qsl to the pirates via e-mail and the rate of return is in the area of 92percent, not bad is it.

DOCTOR/CBRT918/WA7026SWL :clown:
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Post by Bad Clams »

A DX 390, and a Grundig mini world that goes in my ruck when im on the trail. I love my 390 but I'll never buy anything from "The Shack" again, they wont repair their gear.
Leaders did what others werent willing to do, now they enjoy the things that others do not.
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Post by Craig »

Only shortwave I currently own is a Grundig YB-400PE .. nice table radio that I primarily listen to next to my bed in the late evenings. It's been years since I did any SWL'ing ..my favorite radio from long ago and still kicking myself for selling it was a Realistic DX-150A .. sweet receiver at the time. Also owned a Realistic DX -100 which was complete garbage IMHO.
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Post by goodgodgurdy »

I use an R390A, Kenwood R-5000, Icom R-75, and Ten Tec R-320 Black box. But I guess all that is in my signature... :drunken: I used an R-390a while in the Marine Corps in the 60s. I listen mostly to number stations and other utility stations. Sideband is where the good stuff is in shortwave. And since brother Stair went to prison even the religious stations are boring. Or is he out now?
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Post by lucky13 »

How about what shortwave i,ve used in the last month ? In the shop Realistic dx-160 , kitchen-Grundig s-350dl , in radio room- Hammarlund hq-110,Realistic sx-190 & dx-300 & dx-394 , Yaesu frg-7 , Emerson-803 ,Heathkit gr-64 & Mohican mod;? ,Kenwood r-300. In my wifes office Grundig fr-200. Yes I have more,,but not used regulary. I personaly listen to ssb bands,& prefer radios one have to tune yourself. I think its a hoot when i hook up a rig and tell a visitor to tune in a station they like???? Then to see the look on their face when you finaly tune it for them,ha ha ha! They often comment that they thought they had been set-up with a radio that didnt work ! later Bob (lucky-13) Best of all SWL has no monthly bill for air time !
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Post by N8N »

I've got an old Blaupunkt "Virginia" circa 1957 that is in my living room, although it's usually used on FM just to listen to NPR while cooking. I did get it tuned up a couple years ago and the SW section now works, but I have lousy reception where I live. Any ideas for an external antenna that would work well? I know "Shortwave" covers a lot of bands... so I haven't a real clue.

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Post by 'Doc »

There are a lot of 'qualifications' about antennas, one of the 'right' size will work 'better' than one not designed for that band. In general, the higher you can get an antenna, and the largest you can get up, usually works out the best. It's sort of 'normal' for bigger/longer than necessary antennas tend to work better than smaller/shorter than normal antennas. that's a generalization, nothing specific.
- 'Doc
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Post by lucky13 »

re/ N8N Nate ; Hi Nate , a quick easy sw antenna that i use & have helped other swl with good general coverage. Take a 1 1/2 inch x 24 in tube(or bigger) drill 2 small holes near ends. Wrap 70 feet of 14 gauge coated or insulated wire on it,it can lap because its insulated. Putting 2 or 3 inches at the ends through drilled holes,then a layer of tape to keep it together. then run 70 feet of wire or more outside(if possible). Hook one end of 70 ft coil to your outside run,the other end of coil to your reciever.You can try with a good ground if reciever is equiped with one. Put a quick connect on coil so you can see which bands work better with or with out it in series. Coil could also be placed outside if connections are sealed .This antenna works well for me & some like it because it dosent require drilling a big coax hole to link outside, if it works for you grate if not its easy removed or use it on FM band ? I always un-hook my antennas while not in use! all the best ,,,,,Bob.A.
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Post by Eskimo_Pie »

I run a Sangean (spelling?) Rat Shack clone, a DX440. It works very well.
9-7-1 Coastal Maine Mobile usually hanging out on 38 LSB
At the home QTH, Uniden Madison/Realistic TRC 457
In the mobile, HR2510/Grant XL
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Post by jopcobra89 »

20 years ago I probably owned 100 shortwave radios of various makes and sizes... but as of right now I have a Zenith Transoceanic H500 and D7000Y, a Grundig S350, and a Realistic DX100.

I'd like to find another Sony 2010. Best portable shortwave receiver ever made IMO.
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Post by broncoman529 »

It is a big one at 50 plus lbs. Made in 1954. It is a Technical Materiel Corporation GPR-90 shortwave receiver and I absolutely love it!
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Post by 443 Arizona »

HaliCrafters sa-40 and a Kenwood ts520
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Post by A NUMBER 1 »

For designated Shortwave radios,I have a couple that have served me well,they are the FRG-7700 and the Kenwood R-2000,the R-2000 is really sensitive,for a portable I use a Radio Shack DX-398,the base radios are coupled to a 200ft longwire and mFJ tuner/preselector..I plan on moving up the an Icom R-75 With DSP,the used prices on these have come down quite a bit.I cut my teeth on both CB and Shortwave back in the early 60s,my first shortwave was a hand built Allied Knight Kit "Ocean Hopper"w ith plug in coils,cost a whole $16.95 !! back then...A NUMBER 1
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Post by sparky17 »

Degen 1103. There's even a yahoo group dedicated to mods for this cheap super shortwave radio.. Digital knob but analog feel. Ohhhhh yeah..

200 foot longwire across my canyon.. Listen to the time channel all day long. No doubt about it..
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Post by wi11ie »

i use a 1948 Hallicrafters S-38 ..
Dual dials..
Drifts off freq and everything PITA but it is mine!
Presently running:
HR2600 (Chipswitched by Doc)
RCI 2950dx
Uniden Grant XL(Philly)
Uniden pc68xl (X2)
Cobra 50th Anniversary
Leroy built 4x2879
Pride 100 (now 2x2879)
Blue Thunder200 (now 2x2879)
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Post by djrebel236 »

Grundig S350DL AM/FM/ShortwaveRadio
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Post by Roger224 »

Panasonic RF 4900
Browning Mark IV
Browning Mark II
Cobra 2000 GTL
Polytronics Poly-Comm
Galaxy DX 2517
Stryker 447 HPC
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Post by desync0 »

Grundig G6, playing around with it last night with CwGet and a mic, worked ok dumping cw in to plain txt, need a 1/8"->1/8" adapter and it'll work better.

I was impressed with how well it picked out text, call signs where perfect, sentences where a little off, but I wasn't expecting much using a mic.
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Post by djrebel236 »

scanner_500 wrote:Its working just fine the only thing I dont like is I cant understand what the people are saying too bad the radio didnt come with a translator

i got the same little radio from radio shack too, the only thing missing is SSB , but otherthan that, its a nice little radio
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barhopper 1


Post by barhopper 1 »

I have couple of Zeniths transoceanics one is a 500 and one 600 model both work pretty good- and I have an old Wards-airline floor console that one works pretty good to and a Radio Shack DX-302 :porc:
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Post by Fisherman100 »

Grundig Satellit 750.

Shortwave but also all amateur stuf on SSB....and airband...

Very happy with this radio at 280 $.

I use it with an 100 feet external copper wire at 20 feet high.

Outstanding receive.

Not an HF rig, but it gets some filtering adjustments when conditions are tough.

160 m to 10m + air.

One of the best buy I've made.

73s from Quebec.
Base Station (Unit 625)
Yaesu FT-1200 - Yaesu FT-950 / Magnum S9 /Yaesu FT-2900
Heil Goldline / Shure SM58/ Road King 56 / Astatic 636 LC
W2IHY 8 bands EQ
Nady 31 bands EQ
Amplifiers Ameritron AL811 - RM Italy KL-501 - Texas Star HDV350
Antennas Antron 99 - Cushcraft R6000 - Halfway dipole 80+40 meters
Magnum S9 / Yaesu FT2900
Yaesu FT-60 / Icom IC-V82
RM Italy KL-203P
Wilson 1000
Laird VHF

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Post by kzhorse »

This is my 1948 Sparton 6-26 I have since recaped and refinished the cabnet.
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This is my 1948 Westinghouse H104a I recaped it but left the cabnet as it was.
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This is my 1941 General Electric L-640 Recaped and original cabnet.
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This is my Wards Airline console never could find a year I have sence trashed the cabnet and use the chassis with a 6" speaker in my shed.
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This is my 1937 Philco 37-650 I'm still in the process of restoring this one Reproduction knobs and dial face recieved just waiting on caps for this one.
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That is it for now waiting on a old Federal 1030T to arive from E-Bay,

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Post by Sporty Mike »

Realistic DX-380 , good little radio but I'm gonna upgrade to a SW with SSB soon.

Redbeard 759 , your non profit Prophet from the 'Bam!!!
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Post by radio11 »

Here i use,drake sp-4,or a yaesu frg-7,or my 757.on a 160 foot end feed wire.
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Post by Rooster173 »

Never have been really big on shortwave but i do have one of the older heathekit ones with the blue face. It's a beauty to look at. I also have a couple others but not really sure and don't know much about them. Ive had friends who would tune into cb frequencies to help monitor channels def cool.
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