When's The Best Time To Try To Bust A Pile Up?

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Radio: Washington, Tram D201, Tram D64, Robyn 520D, Cobra 139XLR, Elecraft K3S, Kenwood 590S, Yaesu FTM 400DR, Alinco DR-235, ADI-146

When's The Best Time To Try To Bust A Pile Up?


Post by De_Wildfire »

Everyone on SSB is running about the same amount of power. When a foreign station is listening, when is it a good time to jump in there? Beginning, middle or end of the "listening period?"
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Night Crawler
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Re: When's The Best Time To Try To Bust A Pile Up?


Post by Night Crawler »

De_Wildfire wrote: When a foreign station is listening, when is it a good time to jump in there? Beginning, middle or end of the "listening period?"
Try all of the above whatever works.
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Re: When's The Best Time To Try To Bust A Pile Up?


Post by genesbro »

I still just do it the way I was taught by a ham operator way back when I was just getting into radio. After one of the parties stops transmitting you just key and say "station on the side" and if one of them heard you and knows about the proper procedure you will be acknowledged and told to go ahead or they might finish up a point before you are told to go ahead.
That is how it was done in the days when I was just getting started and I did that just a month or so ago when I heard some people talking that I could tell were a long ways off and they did just as I posted that it should be done and we talked a bit, very nice qso.
Radio, still the most fun way to communicate!
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