dak ix help

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dak ix help


Post by AirGunner »

Ijust bought a Dak ix and it has talk back how do i get rid of it ? I cant seem to find the mod . Any help would be great thanks .
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Re: dak ix help


Post by linx »

Aren't DAK radios just a mobile radio inside a case with a power supply? Like if you open it up, it literally looks like a mobile radio suspended in a big chassis? If so, check to see if there's a resistor soldered between the PA and Headphone jacks on the bottom of that board, and if so, remove it.
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Re: dak ix help


Post by warlock35po »

That would be most base radios,but you hear it a lot in reference to DAK's as kind of a derogatory statement. Regards warlock35po
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Night Crawler
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Re: dak ix help


Post by Night Crawler »

That radio uses a relay to switch between receive and transmit one of the contacts on the relay disconnects the negative side of the speaker from ground during transmit.

What you could also try is trace the wire from the negative side of the speaker going to the relay and see if there's a resistor connected to either the speaker or relay side of that wire going to a contact on the relay.

If there is remove that resistor and it will eliminate the talkback.
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