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Galaxy dx66v and tr53

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Galaxy dx66v and tr53


Post by hellblade »

ok first off i got this radio off of ioffer kinda like ebay from a seller on there its a refurb everything looks normal inside
its got a switch on the back to turn off talk back has echo board installed aswell so the reason im posting this is cause i was wondering why they cut one leg off tr53 from board hope someone has answer for this and can i hook it back up?

hate ppl who think a pair off wire cutters is a tuning tool :puke_l: there is good mods out there to make better outputs like the npc-rc mod and rx mod with the 2sc2999 mod or just a good ol alignment
Galaxy 959/dx66
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Re: Galaxy dx66v and tr53


Post by hilltop 439 »

I would hook it back up that is the modulation limiter .Some people like to clip these out to get louder audio . For the most part it just makes your audio over modulated not to mention splatter three channels away.
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Re: Galaxy dx66v and tr53


Post by hellblade »

ok i did it was pushing 20 watts sounding like crap now only 10 but sounds alot cleaner thanks for the info
Galaxy 959/dx66
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Re: Galaxy dx66v and tr53


Post by eGroupSales »

I've tweaked alot of Galaxy 66 radios. If you clip the limitor in the 66, it doesn't make it sound like crap. They'll still sound fantastic. Also, if you're only doing 10 watts, you need to turn up the modulation pot. Clipping the limitor bypassed it. That radio should do 20 watts with the limitor in tact.

If you say it sounded like crap, it's probably what you heard in the talkback. What people heard on the other end was probably a good quality sound. Those single final radios don't over modulate enough for the naken ear to notice when you clip the limitor. If it sounded like crap, there was something else wrong. Restoring the limitor defaulted the modulation volume back to whereever it was set internally, which could have compensated for whatever the problem may have been, if there was one. I contend that it was probably just the talkback that sounded bad. Tweakin out those boards will result in a distorted talkback, Even Galaxy itself confesses to that. You can read about that on Galaxy's web site. There is a talkback mod you can perform on the solder side of the board which consists of a resistor (470k ohm to 1mOhm). The higher resistance, the deaper the tone. Personally, I like the 1mOhm resistor. Using a noise cancellation mic like the 636 or the rk56 will allow you to run the talkback with that loud and deap tone. Using a standard junk galaxy mic or another cheap or powered mic would require you to retain a low volume talkback, either by not doing the mod, turning down the mic gain inside or outside, or turning the talkback entirely.
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Re: Galaxy dx66v and tr53


Post by hellblade »

I did the npc-rc mod with rwob and the radio gets great reports
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Re: Galaxy dx66v and tr53


Post by BlckNight »

Just recently got back into these things, I picked up a 66, my last was a 77. I worked on radios back in the 90s and gave my cb bible to a friend years ago who I am no longer in contact with. Can anyone provide me with the tuning cans? I can’t remember what is what inside but this thing is as stock as they get lol it’s doing 4wats !! By the way clipping the mod block is always listed as first step in the old cb bible. If your radio sounded like crap after the snip , it might be strapped so the low watt side of the board has been connected to the full 12 watt and overdriven! This mod popular with the cb super bowl crowd. I never strapped radios even on request, but the other techs did all the time! A strapped radio can literally move the needle and bleed out of the speaker of a radio with the power off right next to it lol. One of the other technicians would set a cobra 29 on the counter and show the customer. He called it a super peak and tweak and sold a resistor, small piece of wire, and some Sauter for an additional $30 bucks above the cost of a peek tune and mod kit (resistor and a cap) that was $50. If done wrong you smoke the radio with his super peak!! But if somebody could please provide me with the cans and numbers to tune this radio up a bit I would really appreciate it!
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Re: Galaxy dx66v and tr53


Post by BlckNight »

Just recently got back into these things, I picked up a 66, my last was a 77. I worked on radios back in the 90s and gave my cb bible to a friend years ago who I am no longer in contact with. Can anyone provide me with the tuning cans? I can’t remember what is what inside but this thing is as stock as they get lol it’s doing 4wats !! By the way clipping the mod block is always listed as first step in the old cb bible. If your radio sounded like crap after the snip , it might be strapped so the low watt side of the board has been connected to the full 12 watt and overdriven! This mod popular with the cb super bowl crowd. I never strapped radios even on request, but the other techs did all the time! A strapped radio can literally move the needle and bleed out of the speaker of a radio with the power off right next to it lol. One of the other technicians would set a cobra 29 on the counter and show the customer. He called it a super peak and tweak and sold a resistor, small piece of wire, and some Sauter for an additional $30 bucks above the cost of a peek tune and mod kit (resistor and a cap) that was $50. If done wrong you smoke the radio with his super peak!! But if somebody could please provide me with the cans and numbers to tune this radio up a bit I would really appreciate it!
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