my cobra 29 and her cobra 25

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my cobra 29 and her cobra 25


Post by woollyman »

Im new to the cb world, I am not sure if every thing is set up right with my cobra 29 ltd w/bt or on my wifes cobra 25 wx nw st.
On my 08 dodge i am running a cobra 29 ltd w/bt that has been peaked and tuned with dual 4' firestik II antennas tuned at the local cb shop.
In my wifes h3 hummer we just put in a cobra 25 wx nw st that has also been peakd and tuned with a single wilson 4' antenna tuned at the local cb shop.

This is what is going on, yesterday we thought we would try out her new set up and also to see what kind of range we would get out of it. When she was about +/- 10 miles away she was able to hear me transmitting on her cb, but when she would try to transmit i couldnt hear her. We keeped doing this untill i could finally hear her about +/- 2 miles away.

Im not sure if my cb is not receving like it should or her is not transmitting like it should.
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Post by ILjim »

It's probably the soundtracker. I owned one and you could see people and not hear them even with the soundcrapper off. My boss owned one as well and had the same problem they even sent his to Cobra and they said it was fine. So we have two sturdy paperweights in our office.
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Post by Sporty Mike »

Im not sure if my cb is not receving like it should or her is not transmitting like it should.[/quote]

Perhaps both :confused: Were both radios purchased new? from the same shop? were they tuned by the same tech? what did he do? Too many variables to offer up a possible solution at this point.

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Post by woollyman »

I purchased my cb from a radio Shack an we got hers at the cb shop. They were both tuned by the the same tech. And I am not sure what he did as far as the peaking & tunning goes. But the antennas were tuned by the same tech with the same swr meter at their shop.
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Post by ILjim »

oops read your post wrong. i thought it was the st that wasn't receiving.
Hope you get it figured out.
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Post by woollyman »

Yeah her cobra 25 can recive my transmission, but i cant recive her transmission on my cobra 29. I think im gonna run to the cb shop an ask some him what is up.
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Post by Polish Eagle »

Agree, go back to the shop that did the work. You paid him good $$ I assume to tune and set up the radios. The 29 is known for great audio so I would expect it to be a bit better but not that much. Ask him to put both on the meters to validate output and SWR. If that all looks good, I would ask which antenna is on the wife's truck? I have used the Wilson 1000 with great success.... You can also flip out the radios between the two vehicles and try again. See if the results are different. That would help with respect to the potential antenna issue..
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Post by Sporty Mike »

Yea , I'd go back to the man who did the tune/setup and ask some place to start.

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Post by woollyman »

Well I went back to the cb shop an come to find out my antennas were a little off but not much so he retuned them for me( my next investment will be a good swr meter), so we are gonna try it again tonight when she gets out of work and see if that helps, and also try switching radios and see if their is any difference between the two. Puls i will check and see what wilson antenne she has on her h3.

I do appreicate the feed back guys like i said im new to the cb world.
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Post by Sporty Mike »

I also went back and reread to be sure and I saw where BOTH of you are running the 4 foot fiberglass whips. Now while these antennas can be tuned and do work fairly well for what they are , you would be amazed by the difference in performance of a Wilson 1000 or 5000. Get you one with the magmount base , slap that badboy on the center of the roof , adjust for the lowest SWR and let 'er rip.

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Post by dirtyjob »

drop the cophased firesticks, its been my eperience that if you wanna run dual antennas like firesticks they need to be at least 8-9ft appart "ideally run with tractor trailors" for what you have i would go with a single k40 or wilson 1000, you will notice a vast improvement over those 2 firesticks trust me.
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Post by dirtyjob »

not to double post here but i dont see an "edit button"

i'de also like to add that while you may like the "look" of the 2 firesticks, they simply do not perform anywhere near as good as the single k40 or wilson mag mounts, if you want performance on t and r please consider running one of the for mentioned mag mounts.
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Post by 'Doc »

One possible reason why she may hear you is that those co-phased antennas are directional a bit, where her single antenna isn't. There are still a lot of "if's" in it, so don't take that as -the- answer.
- 'Doc
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Post by MDYoungblood »

We can only guess the antenna locations on your vehicles, the single antenna on the Hummer is on the tire mount in the back and the Dodge is a truck with the antennas mounted on the bed. Am I right. Greg
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Post by woollyman »

Well i finally got the Wilson 1000, and their is a big differance between the Wilson 1000 and the two firestiks i was running before. I did however have to go with the larger 66" whip, the suplied 62-1/2" whip it was too short. But i am gonna keep the coaxial and the two firestik antenna mounts up just put the firestik's in the tool box and keep them for a rainy day. I always say better to have and not need, than to need and not have. The next item for my set up is gonna be a linear amp still doning some research trying to decide on how big to go 100 watt - 300 watt..... I do a lot of Highway driving from Corpus Christi, Tx. to Houston, Tx.. A lot of late night driving so i like to know what im running up on.
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