Which to choose......
Which to choose......
Hey figured I would get everyones opinion on my choices.......Please just pick one of my choices.....I know everyone loves there general lee ...but it just aint the radio for me
Mine doesn't worble, but it takes forever to warm up enough on SSB to be on frequency. I had mine slightly de-tuned though, too. But I'd have to agree with BigBopper on it. I wouldn't likely buy another one. Although I like the display with frequency counter, I'm not at all impressed with the ears on it. I have had the service bulletin corrections made on mine, but still doesn't impress me. If it had the ears of the old Cobra148's and the transmit of the Connex or Gallaxy, I'd be happy. But it doesn't.BigBopper wrote:Just my 2 cents, stay away from the cobra 200, adj channel rejection sucks,,I have had 2, and there is a service bulletin out for them for bad modulation wobble
I'd give RA a call and ask him. I personally use SSB as much as I do AM...which is why I got the Cobra200. But it's a purchase I'm not so glad I made.