First SSB contact was an obnoxious punk......

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First SSB contact was an obnoxious punk......


Post by trip6ram »

but that hasn't deterred me.
Alot of activity last night and I finally was able to get through to someone and get a copy on U34. Called CQ and gave my handle and location. Got "copy" in return. When I asked his location, he replied "RIGHT HERE! BEEEEEEEP" obviously mocking my roger beep. He then started to just mock everything I said while calling out two more times. Decided to just switch channels. Immature jackwads with too much time on their hands could be a reason there is less REAL activity on AM, and I see some are on the side as well. Meh, to each their own. Just some minor disappointment on my half that my first SSB contact was wasted.
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Re: First SSB contact was an obnoxious punk......


Post by hilltop 439 »

Do not dispair you will find a lot more of that to come . Just ignore the trouble makers and find the true CBer's that enjoy and respect the hobby.
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Re: First SSB contact was an obnoxious punk......


Post by trip6ram »

hilltop 439 wrote:Do not dispair you will find a lot more of that to come . Just ignore the trouble makers and find the true CBer's that enjoy and respect the hobby.
No despair here, hilltop. In fact my reason from posting was that I've seen here and on other forums where the OP DID despair and was ready to give up on SSB. In my limited (1.5 week) listening period I can tell there are more good than bad apples in DX land.

So, for anyone new to SSB, such as myself, do not let the ignoramusses (SP?) spoil the experience. Stick with it and be a positive voice on the air once you make that contact.

373 back quiet.
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Re: First SSB contact was an obnoxious punk......


Post by 231 »

Well, no offense intended but it comes as no surprise to me actually if you were running your roger beep. Most sidebanders find them quite annoying along with echo. If you decide to run those things and/or run your AM settings on the mic gain be prepared for more of the same. "When In Rome..." as the old saying goes. Nothing yells out 'rookie' more than those three things (believe it or not). Not my rules, just the way it is. Those that opt to do those things end up hating SSB because they are unwilling to conform to the tradition of trying for good easy to listen to audio. It's not always easy to achieve that either. But once you do you'll find sideband quite enjoyable (I believe anyway). That is, if you like forgetting AM CB jargon and just enjoy some good quality rag chewing and DX. No question about it though, sideband isn't for everyone.

Hope that helps a little.
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Re: First SSB contact was an obnoxious punk......


Post by trip6ram »

231 wrote:Well, no offense intended but it comes as no surprise to me actually if you were running your roger beep. Most sidebanders find them quite annoying along with echo. If you decide to run those things and/or run your AM settings on the mic gain be prepared for more of the same. ........Nothing yells out 'rookie' more than those three things (believe it or not).............Not my rules, just the way it is................

Hope that helps a little.
Well it does help a little, as much as "Punk" sayin "Dude, turn off the beep and we can converse" would've helped. Were we/you all not "rookies" at some point in time? FWIW, I do not run the RB on AM nor do I have echo. I have heard quite a few using both, however, on SSB. Is it okay for "established veterans"? I remember reading somewhere that the RB is useful for contacts in that it helps track your signal on the other end. Is this inaccurate?
The best way for someone new to the hobby to become an old hand is to deal with the growing pains (as I choose to do) and for longtime users to offer a helping hand and some friendly advice (as you have done).

Thanks for the input.
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Re: First SSB contact was an obnoxious punk......


Post by dirtyjob »

lol i have to admit the title of this post made me chuckle, sorry you had to get a jerk for your 1st contact, for every 1 jerk i can assure you there are 20 professional operators waiting to talk to you, keep the faith :)
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Re: First SSB contact was an obnoxious punk......


Post by 231 »

trip6ram wrote: Well it does help a little, as much as "Punk" sayin "Dude, turn off the beep and we can converse" would've helped. Were we/you all not "rookies" at some point in time? FWIW, I do not run the RB on AM nor do I have echo. I have heard quite a few using both, however, on SSB. Is it okay for "established veterans"? I remember reading somewhere that the RB is useful for contacts in that it helps track your signal on the other end. Is this inaccurate?
The best way for someone new to the hobby to become an old hand is to deal with the growing pains (as I choose to do) and for longtime users to offer a helping hand and some friendly advice (as you have done).

Thanks for the input.
Yep...everyone was a rookie at some point. And yep, you'll hear a few (very few) using RB's occasionally. But I assure you, the vast majority don't and wouldn't. So there you have it. If it were true it was helpful, everyone (without exception) would be using it. That should address question about what you read.

Yes, it would be easier for you if he would have said that, and old timers if old timers reached out to help. But that's just not the way it works. Most 'veterans' are never going to 'offer' you anything. But I'd bet if you asked nicely they would. And it's not usually hard to pick them out as most of them will have easy to listen to audio that sounds above average. So if you hear those types, I'd recommend highly you consider giving them a shout and strike up a conversation. Simply share where you are at on using SSB and I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at the response(s) you'll get. Most (at least in our area) are very quick to help those wanting to improve and run their station right. But you'll likely find just the opposite if you act entitled for their help. And then there are the very few who no matter what you say or do it'll be wrong. They are the types like you encountered the first time (unfortunately). Thankfully they aren't the norm.

Honestly, sideband isn't any different than AM with the exception that most of the CB jargon is dropped and people call each other by their names and/or unit numbers mostly. Personally I like that because it makes for comfortable rag chews and some terrific conversations. I hope you find the same, too.

Best of luck.
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Re: First SSB contact was an obnoxious punk......


Post by trip6ram »

dirtyjob wrote:lol i have to admit the title of this post made me chuckle, sorry you had to get a jerk for your 1st contact, for every 1 jerk i can assure you there are 20 professional operators waiting to talk to you, keep the faith :)
Absolutely keepin the faith, dirtyjob.

And 231, I never feel or act entitled to anything aside from my paycheck, which is worked for. Even then I know they can drop me at any time. Sorry if it sounded that way in my last post. I just suggested if the guy woulda just told me about the beep (which was contrary to what I read) this thread would've been non-existent. I didnt go on looking for help, just experience. I got it. Thanks for your continued input.
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Re: First SSB contact was an obnoxious punk......


Post by MDYoungblood »

Hi trip6ram,
Don't let it spoil your fun, there are a lot of new, seasoned, veteran, experienced ssb'ers out there that don't care if you use a RB or not, like me a contact is a contact. If you are over 30 miles you go in my log. Its just a hobby.


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Re: First SSB contact was an obnoxious punk......


Post by Sporty Mike »

Sorry to hear about that first contact Trip6 , definately keep at it I think you'll like SSB. Like 231 said on SSB you want to set up for a smoother sounding less harsh audio.
I run a Turner +3 desk Mic most of the time which is a fairly loud mic , I turn my mic gain much lower on SSB than I do on Am. Only problem is I keep forgetting to speak in a normal tone of speaking voice , usually when I'm DXing on AM I try to sound like a 1970's disc jockey....hey , we all got our gimmick :biggrin: But Saturday night I spent about 3 hours on 38 LSB and had a blast Jamaica was in there like next door neighbors , and Canada was rollin good the whole time as well. Made alot of contacts but I always get too caught up in the fun and forget to log 'em. But SSB is a blast and a great change up from the everyday hash and trash of AM.

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Re: First SSB contact was an obnoxious punk......


Post by trip6ram »

MDYoungblood wrote:Hi trip6ram,
Don't let it spoil your fun, there are a lot of new, seasoned, veteran, experienced ssb'ers out there that don't care if you use a RB or not, like me a contact is a contact. If you are over 30 miles you go in my log. Its just a hobby.


Not at all, Youngblood. In fact, I spent a good bit of time today just listening in and trying to learn what I could from the conversations. It's amazing what you pick up, distance-wise,m just sitting in your driveway. Been running a CB for a few years but this is my first venture into sideband. Since I believe I'm more than 30 miles from you, I'm gonna try and make that log book sometime.
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Re: First SSB contact was an obnoxious punk......


Post by Chazman321 »

You can try to cover the 300 miles over to my side of the state... lol I need a base setup, that little K-30 is nice, but it cuts out past 20 miles on SSB...

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Re: First SSB contact was an obnoxious punk......


Post by jlpicard440 »

You'll find that once you get used to SSB, you can make contacts perhaps easier than you can on AM. AM just combines all the signals and it sounds like a loud roar and it's hard to get over that without large amounts of power. You can of course, but with SSB it doesn't have this effect as much. You can usually hear the stations individually so it doesn't sound like that roaring AM. The guys on SSB do want to make contacts, that's why they are there. Try and learn what some of the "Q" codes mean, I hear them using them pretty often on 38 LSB. and of course 73's means good bye.

One more note, as 231 mentioned above, the "above average audio" from the veterans is probably due to the fact that alot of those guys are using modified Ham equipment. I hear it all the time, they talk about thier Yaesu and Icom radios....Yaesu and Icom never made CB radios that I know of. You don't have to run ham equipment to get someone to be nice to YOU!! Just sound clean and hopefully on frequency, as they don't like to adjust their radios to bring someone in. Don't know if this helps or not, just my .02! Thanks and good luck.
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