Dead 4 Pill

This is the forum for asking questions about linear amplifiers or power supplies.
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Dead 4 Pill


Post by Phaze91460 »

Well, It died. Funeral to be held soon. It was a good and faithful amp, one to be proud of. I know we will all miss it, the comfort it gave when squishing mudducks.

I would have sent it to the hospital if I knew it was sick. I would never mistreat an amp. I will send it to East Coast Amps for an altopsy and see what kind of illness did it in.

For those of you who are into revenge, there will be a mudduck squishing party held in Atlanta this week from 8:00am to 5:00pm M-F and maybe a little sat if I dont feal justified by then.
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Post by Rex_foxhound »

Hopefully you'll get it working before too long. I haven't had any problems from mine thank goodness.
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Mr RadioActive


Post by Mr RadioActive »

Dont choke on the smoke! Or dont smoke your choke? Well either ones bad!
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Post by MudDuck »

Hey Phaze ship it back to the shop..... We will fix it for you....
Sounds to me like you blew a pill.... We will see when it gets here...
My warranty covers all parts (except transistors).... If you need the shop address PM me....
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Post by BigBubbaBD »

that sucks :'(

How long have you had it/been running it?
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Mr RadioActive


Post by Mr RadioActive »

Even the best of amps before this thread gets to a wrong point, just wanted to hop in there and say, MudDucks a man that stands behind his product thats all that counts!
I repilled my own 12 pill about 10 years back, hooked up a bad jumper and poofed all my pills. Talk about being bummed!

Hey I thought you guys were going to send me a box to check out!?
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Post by MudDuck »

Thanks RadioActive we do appreciate those kind words.... Anything can go wrong out there in the field, no matter how carefull you are... Also the transistors are a very touchy componet, one weak transistor can open up a whole can of worms... I blow pills all the time, not my fault really I just like to have long keyups on 19VDC.... lol.... well I guess that is my fault...
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Mr RadioActive


Post by Mr RadioActive »

Totally, I know these guys werent complaining but I did want to toss that in incase someone read into this thread the wrong way. Every one of the best amps in the world blow up! Why? Tons of reasons, high swr, bad jumpers, arching, bad grounds, over voltage, over driven, mis wired, unwired, caps drying out, the list goes on and on. I wanted to toss that in there before someone made a judgement on a blown amp. Not saying any forum member would but people do come to our forum as non-members and read all our threads!
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Post by MudDuck »

Im looking for a Galaxy 55V all worked up.... Do you have any??? Let me know thanks!!!
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Post by Rex_foxhound »

Mr.RadioActive wrote: I wanted to toss that in there before someone made a judgement on a blown amp. Not saying any forum member would but people do come to our forum as non-members and read all our threads!
Good idea. Every time i look, there are more visitors than actual members.
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Post by Phaze91460 »

WOW ! this thread went further than I thought.

No slander was intended to or for anyone when I started this. I was trying to put a funny spin on an unfortunate incident. Things are usualy my fault anyway ! You know, Murphys Law kinda thing.

I have been checking things all day ( In that 97 deg heat ) and looks like the SWR has climbed up too far. Dont know how and may never know. I am changing coax today and the antenna mount. I have checked all the grounds and those are fine.

I got this amp from Mudduck at Eastcoast Amps and have recieved incredible service and great communication. I would recommend him to anyone !

I am using a Connex 4600 turbo, SuperWackPacked by Radio Active for those of you who dont know and it is putting out about 206 watts PEP and is probibly not the best combination for the 4 pill I plugged into it. What I really need to do it talk to mike about maybe a Galaxy 99 SWP and get a 2 pill or so to go into the 4 pill and have them match up everything.

I didnt plan on the extra amp when I ordered the 4600 so it was just bad planning on my part.

If I get another radio I will just switch the 4600 over to my other work truck and take the Cobra 29 out of there and put that into my middle sons car ( Which he wants anyway ) and I will start a family dynasty and TAKE OVER ATLANTA !

Oh well, I can dream and DREAM BIG !
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Big Guns

Dead 4 Pill


Post by Big Guns »

Before I get started let me say this is not intended to talk bad about anybody aor any product. Phaze, if you are thinking about a new radio I would really recommend the SWP G. Lee with a DaveMade 2x4, awsome setup all matched from RA, ask anybody out there in DX land that has talked with me. Today I talked to 3896 in the magnolia(Mississippi) and he said I almost knocked him off his chair I was so loud.
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Post by Rex_foxhound »

Phaze91460 wrote:
I got this amp from Mudduck at Eastcoast Amps and have recieved incredible service and great communication. I would recommend him to anyone !

I will start a family dynasty and TAKE OVER ATLANTA !
I recommend Mudduck as well. Great guy to do business with.

Now as for taking over Atlanta, I don't know if I could let you take ALL of it...
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Post by BigBubbaBD »

Why is it that its not a good idea on your current radio?

Why not just call up mike and get a amp that will match your radio and keep talking the connex?

I dont understand.
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Post by Phaze91460 »

Something about the design of the internal linear on radios makes it a hard match for adding a linear. I was talkin to RadioActive a while back and he was tellin me that.

A good excuse to have another powerful setup aint it.
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Mr RadioActive


Post by Mr RadioActive »

Well what I was saying was its EASIER for a dual final radio to drive a box that has a built in driver, then a radio with a built in amp to drive a straight pill box.
Why? Its 100x easier to match. 1) turn radio on low power, 2) turn amp on and talk all day long! The radios matched already, and the driver is perfectly matched since its built in!

Either way gets the same result, but after 20 years ALOT more people blow their amps up with radios that have built in amps, then dual final radios, with amps that have built in drivers.

PS: PHAZE we all knew you were joking it was just a reply incase someone came to read this thread who wasnt a forum member!
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Post by Phaze91460 »

I figgured that, the follow up was because we do have so many new members.
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Re: Dead 4 Pill



Phaze91460 wrote:Well, It died. Funeral to be held soon. It was a good and faithful amp, one to be proud of. I know we will all miss it, the comfort it gave when squishing mudducks.

I would have sent it to the hospital if I knew it was sick. I would never mistreat an amp. I will send it to East Coast Amps for an altopsy and see what kind of illness did it in.

For those of you who are into revenge, there will be a mudduck squishing party held in Atlanta this week from 8:00am to 5:00pm M-F and maybe a little sat if I dont feal justified by then.
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Post by MudDuck »

Its not very hard to key on a davemade.... I do it all the time in the suburban...
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