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DOT and radios???

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DOT and radios???


Post by chopcorejc »

does anyone know if a driver driving a tractor trailer can get in trouble with DOT for having to much power going to a radio????????????
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Post by BigBopper »

they only care about your log and truck safety,,,not radio equipment
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Post by Phaze91460 »

True, The Dept Of Transportation is not a part of the FCC.
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Post by racefan6 »

Drivers Only Trouble
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Post by chopcorejc »


drivers only trouble????????????

not sure what that means[/quote]
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Post by T1g3rEyz3 »


CB radios and their power (or lack thereof) are not an issue for the Dept Of Transportation... they could care less as long as you drive right and keep your logs.
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Post by chopcorejc »

i gotcha..............a big fat "duh" to myself..lol
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Post by Gadfly »

T1g3rEyz3 wrote:Drivers

CB radios and their power (or lack thereof) are not an issue for the Dept Of Transportation... they could care less as long as you drive right and keep your logs.
This is currently true. However, this is likely to change soon. You see, the popular "10 Meter Radios" have created a problem that has FCC pretty upset--not to mention the licensed Amateur operators. If the operators had stayed on the regular 40 channels, it wouldn't be a problem.
BUT! Those "band" switches allow the CB guys, unfortunately most of them happen to be truck drivers, to go into the regular "10 Meter" band, and this doesn't set well. A good bunch of truckers, not knowing that they are out of the CB band, transmit on 28 MHZ on AM and it sticks out like a sore thumb! The licensed Amateurs, egged on by the Amateur Radio Relay League and FCC, began to track these operators and TURN them in to the Feds! So! As I said, a bunch of companies got warning letters from FCC to stop their drivers from operating out of band AND advising them to have their drivers REMOVE "10 Meter" radios from their trucks as they ARE illegal to sell in the USA and appear on a list from FCC's Test Labs as prohibited. UPS, for example, told their drivers that if they got caught with a "10 meter" radio or other illegal equipment in their trucks they would be dismissed! A couple of companies went so far as to make their drivers get rid of ALL CB radios!

Now FCC is working on a scheme to have DOT agents, both state and Federal, issue fines for illegal radios and amplifiers. IOW a BAN on illegal radio equipment in commercial trucks sort of like the ban on radar detectors. This is NOT a joke or a rumor; I got it direct from an FCC official via phone. *Something* is about to come of this because the Amateur community is really ticked off about finding unlicensed operators on their frequencies.

I didn't post this to start trouble; it is just a heads up! No need for us to get mad and argue over it, OK? It's just info you can use. After all, if you have a legal 40 channel, FCC approved CB radio, it won't affect you, and DOT won't bother you either! If you now have a so-called "10 Meter 'Amateur' Radio" in your truck, you might be in for trouble. Really, it doesn't actually change anything; non-FCC approved radios and transmitting out of the CB band was ALWAYS against the law, but FCC has recently gotten back to enforcing CB rules--tho they don't really have enough people to get after everybody. It's because there have been a lot of complaints about CB operators splattering TV's, licensed operators, and
interfering with other radio services.

Just be careful, and also run a regular CB radio, and you will be fine! :wink:



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Post by Phaze91460 »

I have an uncle who is an exec with UPS. They did not issue a directive regarding 10 meter radios. UPS requires drivers to have their radios not attached to the trucks they are driving. Antennas and even am fm Cd units must be removable.

DOT has to follow state and federal law on issues like search and seasure. There has to be probible cause before they can go into the cab and look for items of any kind inside the cabs. In GA the inside of your vehicle is considered an extension of your home and it requires more procedure before you can enter it.

With the Government cuttbacks on so so many agencys including the FCC it would be impossible for them to police the 11 meter market at this time. It would be hard to justify the huge increase in tax dollars needed to start that up and keep it up and for what ? Does john Q public realy care if jane doe has a modified radio in her truck ? Do you think that public opinion will rise to a point where the FCC will go before congress and ask for more money to enforce this issue ? In a time where we are at war and conserned about the price of gas or if terrorists will return to this country etc., I dont think so.

There may be 1% of the radios operating inside of the "legal" 4 watt range set down by the FCC inside of the United States at this time. Now and then the FCC will score a hit on and "illegal" radio but that wont stop the flood.

How many peoples lives do you realy see disrupted by a 10 meter radio. A standard 10 meter converted to 11 meters may talk over a stereo or tv if you were in 10 feet of it but not from the street.

If you didn't post this to start trouble, It sure is a strange first post to enter on this forum. You didnt even read the rules or visit our welcome to the forum section and say hello to every one or give us some info on you.
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Post by BigBopper »

The guy next door is a DOT officer, he just told me, that they can't enter the truck unless they have alot of probable cause,,and a radio isn't it,,he just laughed at me when I told him about the post,,,he told me that there is so many electroincs in trucks today,,GPS, Company tracking systems, ect,,,they (DOT) don't even look at radio ect,,,and State patrol helps on drugs ect....he is a 30 year veteran of the state,,,he just laughs as they(DOT) have too much to do already,,,and like he said,,,carry more test equipment,,,LOL,,,he told me when they see a radar detector, which is illegal in a big truck, the DOT call the State patrol...and most company drivers who don't have assigned truck use slipseater setups.......
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Post by THUMPER »


i needed a good laugh!

it is funny to see how hams do things like this
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