Tram D201 Questions

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Radio: tram d201

Tram D201 Questions


Post by johnny9 »

i forgot to click the notification box and thought nobody loved me lol..
well,thanks a hole bunch you guys..each of you have taught me much more than i can entirely understand,but thankfull i have a friend coming over that knows nothing about cb,s ,but is very good with the ohm meter.i will refer to this thread with him when he comes by...i have the meter but ive always let electrical things screw with my mind,and when my buddy does it with me i will learn much more when being hands on..
this sight is a great place i been reading a lot here! if i could take my machinist, gear head,working on guns and engine building expertise and turn them into cb knowledge i would be good to go,but thats gonna take the rest of my life to learn..

i got a new ground rod today and clamp..the new ones are copper coated i see but long as they do there job i suppose its ok..
gonna install it and a radio ground tommorow.

someone on here was where they mentioned not to even use the radio as the electryloic"spelled wrong" capacitors will be no good sitting 25 yrs..iirc someone mentione there should be 5 i think..heres a few pics of the inside of this radio..i havent cleaned anything but the tubes..the bottom of thei d201 looks brand new compared to the d201a that wont turn on..and the top of the d201 looks great but does have a light greasy/oily feeling coating mixed with the dust when i rubbed it with my finger..
thanks for the reply fellas and i will have to remember to check that notification box from now on..john

i feel this radio wasnt used much at all in its life since dad had it since new,,but the 201a looks like it has been abused real hard..heres the d201 oldie im using.
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im no electrical guy bu this sure looks like new to me for a 40 yr old never cleaned rats nest..
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this pic was before i cleaned the tubes,,and the light oily feeling dust on the plate didnt show up in the pic..its not really that dusty,just has a slight oily feeling to the dust when i wiped with my finger..i think im just gonna leave it be.
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Saturday, 30 November 2013, 21:14 PM

forget to ask..the swr,watt meter seems to be sticking,and never goes down all the way except on warm up when it goes far to the right,thenback to the left and stops on the red 3 swr i need to get a meter in the am also..i assume the cheap astatic or workman from the truck stop will due fine..i like the astatic name and there cheap on ebay and not plastic they say..
question; for a no nothing about this stuff guy,is there a way to clean,or electric spray to loosen up the sticky meter?

Sunday, 01 December 2013, 21:13 PM

ordered a swr meter today on line..will be a few days till i can check it out. i noticed the more i turn the tone control up on the tram"more treble" the less of a humm the ole radio has..i wonder if an external speaker would help with the hum..when the squelch is up the humm almost goes away too.
jack of all trades,master of none.

hand wired"rats nest"made in USA
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Re: Tram D201 Questions


Post by redlght »

Your best bet is if your going to keep that radio recap it get rid of all those paper caps and the metal covered ones in it. It is not a matter of if they will blow it is when they will blow. Get the same voltage or a bit higher if possible. I have worked on a lot of tube radios and Hallicrafters receivers and those paper caps are time bombs, when they do pop they can take out a lot of stuff in their wake. The hum is from one of them that is bad Possible one of the can type filter caps you see from the top side they have multiple caps in them some times 3 or 4 it will say on the can like 30mfd 40mfd 40mfd ect. If you cant find replacements you can gut the can and stuff in the caps separately just for looks and replace the can to the chassis. If you want to test the caps first then get a ESR meter they are 40 bucks and worth every penny. Hope this helps P.S. Those caps can hold high voltage on them be sure to bleed them off before you try to mess with or hook a meter up to them.
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