Base or mobile

This is the place to post your general tips or ask questions about your installation, whether it's for mobile or base stations.
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Base or mobile


Post by NCcountryboy »

If you saw my hello in the newbie section then you know I'm just getting back into cb's after more than 30 years. I'm debating on a base or mobile install. If I go with mobile I want something small yet of high quality. I intend to install a 400 watt amp also. Not sure if I want ssb capability as I didn't have it in the past. I've done some reading on the export radios ie a Connex 3300 HP. Am I better off with one of these or a small Cobra and amp? Years ago I loved sitting in my home talking on my base. I don't believe I'll get as much talk time on a mobile. If I go,with mobile are there any quick disconnect options that allow a person to quickly carry inside. I would very much appreciate your thoughts and advice.

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Post by jessejamesdallas »

Back in the 70's they had slid-out brackets you could get for quick-disconnects, but I haven't seen those available in years except sometimes on ebay...

Personally, if it were me and I was basically just going to stay on the regular CB Channels, I would stick with the Cobra, and stick a amp behind it...Just depends on what you want and price range...

As for as NEW CB Base radios go...Your fairly limited....Mater-a-fact, your limited to just "ONE!" The only CB Base Station still being built is the Galaxy DX2547...There's a few "Export" Bases still around, which are basically 10 Meter radios but can be modified for 11 Meter (CB).
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Post by 108dt206 »

Had a quick look and only found these on fleabay.. Had 1 years ago. Did the job though.
[ external image ]
Not expensive as well. Might be your best bet.
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Post by dirtyjob »

consider a rig with ssb, you'll be happy you did, just gives you the option, better to have than wish you did.
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Post by jessejamesdallas »

108dt206 wrote:Had a quick look and only found these on fleabay.. Had 1 years ago. Did the job though.
[ external image ]
Not expensive as well. Might be your best bet.
Yep, those are the ones I was thinking of...There "OK", I Remember using one once back in the 70's that also had a key lock switch so you could lock it in your car...That was bit of a pain and most just left them un-locked which made it even easier for the thief's to steel your stuff!...Also had problems with the little contacts making good connection.
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Post by MDYoungblood »

I like that kind of mount too and use it in the vehicles,
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You can pick them up at the flea market or hamfest, not to too expensive, that auction site they are usually a ridiculous price. I hook up the power, external speaker, and pa horn but hook the power up separate on the higher amperage radios using an Anderson connector. Make sure you install a fuse on the male portion of the mount in case something touches the contacts. They do make life easier when removing the radio or if you are like me and have several radios, to change them out.


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