Tram Owners:Post your pride and joy

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Tram Owners:Post your pride and joy


Post by dirtyjob »

Another one of my pride and joys here is my Tram d201A , Ive owned it forever "25 YEARS", the original owner was my late cb tech, when he passed his wife offered it to me and I didnt hesitate.

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pictured is the original unamplified d104 offered by Tram.
Ill have to put this radio back on my desk, ive run out of room and put it in my bedroom the last few months.

Ide love to see other Trams displayed within one thread, if you have a Tram product, add yours.
Browning Golden Eagle Mark IVA - Mark III & Mark II
Kenwood TS-590S - Yaesu FT897D - Kenwood TS-870 - Icom IC-7300
Yaesu FT-101E - Tram D201A - President Lincoln - CP2000
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Re: Tram Owners:Post your pride and joy


Post by hobbieville »

Over the past several years I've sold off nearly all of my equipment. If I part with my HW D201 it will be the last to go.

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Re: Tram Owners:Post your pride and joy


Post by dirtyjob »

nice hand wired 201.

I had installed green bulbs in my 201A "dont ask me why" I have since removed them tonight and gone back to stock bulbs, I think it looks much better..

1st pick is without a flash:

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this was using a flash:

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Tuesday, 23 April 2013, 17:41 PM

just got in a Tram Titan II project, The radio itself works great but the body needs some tlc, I plan on cleaning her up and bringing it's looks back to new again over the next week or so.

here is how it stands now:

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Friday, 26 April 2013, 1:53 AM

actually bought another titan ll ill post pics of that beauty when it arrives

Wednesday, 01 May 2013, 17:04 PM

got some paint today called"Galaxy Textured Black" and used 3 coats, post some pictures soon.

Wednesday, 01 May 2013, 20:47 PM

ok, hit it with 4 coats, reassembled and here it is:

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the paint has a touch of metal flake so the flash captured some shine in places.

Wednesday, 01 May 2013, 21:18 PM

hooked it up for a radio check, all is well.

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Saturday, 11 May 2013, 22:27 PM

the other titan II arrived the other day, here it is on the top:

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Browning Golden Eagle Mark IVA - Mark III & Mark II
Kenwood TS-590S - Yaesu FT897D - Kenwood TS-870 - Icom IC-7300
Yaesu FT-101E - Tram D201A - President Lincoln - CP2000
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Comet GP9 2 meter/440
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Re: Tram Owners:Post your pride and joy


Post by johnny9 »

been after my dad for 25 yrs for the tram he talked on when i was a kid"46 now" and he finally offered it up..he gave me a d201 one of the first model i belive as the grafics on the lower left are different than some i see.i could be wrong also..
he also gave me a d201a and as of tonight i cleaned the tubes and pluged it up and nothing,,must be a bad power supply.but,all the knobs and channel dial and everything works great,just no power.

but the made in usa d201 23 channel is in pristine cond with one nic maybe a 1/16th size and will touch up fine.
i was told by a few not to use it as the electrolic caps need replaced..
well it looks new in the bottom and top and dad bought it new..prob went in his closet 25 or more yrs ago and didnt even have much dust in it so cleaned the tubes and pluged it up.
been turning it on for a few hrs everyday now for a week tomorrow..i been using a magnetic k40 on the roof of my moble home and have listened 2700 miles so far with the skip cali a few times arizona,rhode island,ny,nj,minnisota etc etc..i have talked to a local a few times and he said he never heard such a good sound in a long time..
tonight i have no clue but i went past the 27.5mhz to 470 "whatever that is,and the guy was only 100 miles away but sounded as good as any fm station i ever heard,i think they may have been ham operators.
today i hooked up the original avanti astroplane from the 70,s thats been with this radio since dad bought it all new..couldnt belive he still had the was out under his pole barn still assembled,so i cleaned it up and put it15-17 feet to the bottom ring,figuring it would be better than the k40,but not sure seems about the same.

i also got a crank up tower today but that will be a while before repairing it and use it..
i also got 100ft of rg8 iirc heavy duty kinda wondering if the where the coax screws in the antenna if the part on the inside that i cant see could be messed up,but its sealed and all original and seems to look great..gonna get a swr meter tomorrow hopefully as im not trusting the s meter on the radio because i think it is sticking a lil bit as it never goes all the way to the left..not sure if its supposed to or not tho

also got the astatic no amplified d104 from the d201a hooked to the d201..also got the original manuels for both radios and all the literature with both big huge schematics for them..if pics dont post there one in my sig.
oh yeah,,the coax is prob 25 or more yrs old also,but looks great with no cuts,can it go bad from being old,like we do? :lol:

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i never expected it to be so clean and new wasnt used much as he used the d201a all the time..should i really have the caps replaced as it seems to talk and recieve fine enen tho i still need o ground the chassis and ground the antenna..i only talked a couple short times and dont think i have hurt anything..gonna try to ground everything tomorrow..
could no antenna ground be why i dont feel it recieves any better then the low k40 im using??
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Saturday, 30 November 2013, 0:46 AM

not sure why pics posted small so click on them to make bigger..check out the underneath pic of the wiring,its gorgeous lol..and i didnt clean it thats all original..the top side looks almost just as good but have to take pics of that..
jack of all trades,master of none.

hand wired"rats nest"made in USA
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Re: Tram Owners:Post your pride and joy


Post by dirtyjob »

awesome, both radio's look great, if they run fine i wouldnt worry about the caps, what commonly happens, especially with the d201/d201A models is they develop a hum in the rx, this transfers over to the tx when you key up and is caused from the power supply capacitors when they start to go, im dealing with this very problem with my d201A.

You may enjoy reading this info located @ [Please login or register to view this link] for more info on these great radio's.
Browning Golden Eagle Mark IVA - Mark III & Mark II
Kenwood TS-590S - Yaesu FT897D - Kenwood TS-870 - Icom IC-7300
Yaesu FT-101E - Tram D201A - President Lincoln - CP2000
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Re: Tram Owners:Post your pride and joy


Post by johnny9 »

thanks dirtyjob! my dad told me in the begining thse radios were known for a has a good hum but with the squelch set a lot goes away..
today i noticed if put the rtc tone control at 12 o clock it goes away even better..the couple times i talked with it everyone said it sounded like a big radio lol.

dad acted like they had the hum from day one..this sound correct? or,if i have these caps replaced would there be no humm?
i had humms in my dreams last night from staying up late listening to the skip,hahaha

the d201a wont even power up so im guessing maybe checking the power supply first since the fuses are good? i can tell the 201a is the one dad used the most as the inside is dirty and looks like its been warm way more times than the older d201..and im thankfull for that as i read the old one is a collector so im leaving it the way it is.

also,is it a waste of my time to hook up a 70,s skipshooter ml125 amo to this? the lil kicker recieves and talks very good on the president grant moble,but if is a matter up just hooking it up and using it with the tram id like a lil power..

or should i ask this also..if i get dads old"new cond" nitro 300 kicker for this tram will it harm the radio in any way? do they have to be matched by a pro? i dont want it for receive but would be nice to talk to who i can hear out there in space on this tram :mrgreen: john
jack of all trades,master of none.

hand wired"rats nest"made in USA
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Re: Tram Owners:Post your pride and joy


Post by dirtyjob »

Changed the 2 big power supply caps and installed a new BA board from Greg Barket, below is a pic of the one i took out "original to the radio"

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the new one was plug and play with upgraded parts, should last a long while and take the heat in stride.

Added her back to the desk...
[ external image ]
Nice to be talking on her again :cheers:
Browning Golden Eagle Mark IVA - Mark III & Mark II
Kenwood TS-590S - Yaesu FT897D - Kenwood TS-870 - Icom IC-7300
Yaesu FT-101E - Tram D201A - President Lincoln - CP2000
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Re: Tram Owners:Post your pride and joy


Post by slipkid »

Here is a pic of one of my trams.
I got it for 85.00 broken off fleabay and i made my own repairs.
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Re: Tram Owners:Post your pride and joy


Post by dirtyjob »

very nice, what was wrong with her ?
Browning Golden Eagle Mark IVA - Mark III & Mark II
Kenwood TS-590S - Yaesu FT897D - Kenwood TS-870 - Icom IC-7300
Yaesu FT-101E - Tram D201A - President Lincoln - CP2000
Gizmotchy G-31 Beam
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Re: Tram Owners:Post your pride and joy


Post by Sporty Mike »

I REALLY need to get my D201 back from the guy who's supposedly fixing it.


Sent from Sporty Mike's phone.
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Re: Tram Owners:Post your pride and joy


Post by slipkid »

When I bought my tram it had no rx or tx.
Someone cut a hole in the back and put in a fan which had gone bad.
Replaced the bad fan with a yaesu fan.
Realigned the radio after changing all electrolytics and replacing some bad tubes and power transistors.
Also replaced a bad volume control and the relay.
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Re: Tram Owners:Post your pride and joy


Post by LadyMermaid »

I see these radios all of the time and remember people referring to the radios as "trashy trams"

I dont know anything about these trams

What is so good about them?




I am not trying to start another collection of radios

Shew I have
2 cobra 2000s
1 browing MK III
palomar skipper 300 chrome top
and a few other cobras
1 silver eagle mic
2 d104

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