Cobra 29xlr

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smoke blower
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Cobra 29xlr


Post by smoke blower »

I was trying to find out for sure if this has the same board as the 29LTD . I am looking to do a good audio mod to this radio. Does anyone have any info on this radio I CA t find much at all on it. Also like to put a variable power in it also if anyone can help me with the kids for this radio.
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smoke blower
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Post by smoke blower »

Does anyone know how to do the MOSFET mod to the cobra 29 xlr Cb it has a different board then the cobra 29 Ltd.

-- Sunday, 01 May 2016, 10:39 AM --

If not then maybe a good audio modification
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Post by sonoma »

Craig here is one I have seen posted on the defpom site. I have never tried it myself. just doing a google search has several places that has mods for this radio. well the site here will not let me post the one from defpoms site for some reason. they do not sell radios so thought I could send it to you in a PM. maybe you can get it that way

well it will not let me send it to you in a PM either.
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smoke blower
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Post by smoke blower »

I clicked on the link but it said page couldn't be reached
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Post by sonoma »

can not send it in a PM either. had to delete it from this site.
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smoke blower
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Post by smoke blower »

Hum that's wierd
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Post by sonoma »

sent it to you in a email, see if you have it now.
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smoke blower
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Post by smoke blower »

Yes I got it but I thought the 29xlr had a total different board than the cobra 29 Ltd classic
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Post by sonoma »

it is simular, so just read the info on the page and see if it matches your radio.
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smoke blower
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Post by smoke blower »

Ok I will let you know something tomorrow when I get in from work I got to go to town in a few minutes

-- Sunday, 01 May 2016, 18:04 PM --

I just went and snatched the top off real fast and it is todally different inside looks nothing like the regular cobra 29

-- Sunday, 01 May 2016, 18:07 PM --

I sent some pictures to your email Sonoma
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Post by sonoma »

well have you ever tried the info I sent you to change the XLR to a mosfet? I bought a 29XLR gold version I am going to try it on when I get to it. the info I sent you looks rather promising. I found where Froggy had done one and he used the same locations I gave you also. he said it worked for him. I had asked him to reply with any other changes he may have made but no response so far.
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Post by smoke blower »

I was very late getting home from work today but I will do and post tomorrow night.
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Post by tattoopastor »

smoke blower wrote:I was trying to find out for sure if this has the same board as the 29LTD . I am looking to do a good audio mod to this radio. Does anyone have any info on this radio I CA t find much at all on it. Also like to put a variable power in it also if anyone can help me with the kids for this radio.
nope 29xlr and ltd are two totally differet animals, not sure about any power or audio mods but those radios had great audio with a good tune up
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Post by 772 alberta »

Start with a good pwr mic and tune up from there to same your time. Leave the amc transistor in place and do the work around it. This will stop you radio from sounding like **Censored** from the very start. A good start is to swap out the audio in resistor to a lower value and then dial in the mod vr on the board with the one on the face plate open all the way. You be back and forth on the pwr mic and the vr a few times. Keep in mind that loud is not best but being clear and loud is the goal. The 29 is the better AM radios out there don't turn into a $25 pos. Take your time and do it right the first time. Hate seeing good radio go bad.
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Post by smoke blower »

I think those radios might bring some money I am not sure how much but some of these other guys should know
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Post by Pizzaman247 »

I've owned several of these older Cobra / Teaberry / President radios that use the UPD858 chip - The AM board is nothing like the newer GTL / LTDs - - But , If you want more out of it here is the information from my experience

First tune radio up in stock form with Dynamike an Mod limiter set to max to set a base line - Now Find R97 ( 10 ohm ) replace it with a 15/20 ohm - This reduces the effect of the modulation limiter without clipping it - Next locate R73 ( 2.2 k ) an R72 ( 4.7k ) over on the right side of board - pull both then put R 73 in the R72 spot , replace R73 with a ( 1k ) - Next replace R49 (47 ohm ) with a ( 10 ohm ) afterwards Retune L16 - L17 - Go back an re-tune output again - You can increase R44 ( 10 ohm to a 50/100 ohm with minor improvement
Sams Photophact CB-155 for a Teaberry T Bear or CB-195 T Command base is near identical

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