'98 F250LD CB install

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'98 F250LD CB install


Post by LocomtvBreth »

Today I decided to pull the headliner out and get serious about installing the CB. I have a Cobra 148GTL that I modded for freebanding, added a variable dead key, and shunted the choke to clean up any possible warbling. I also have a 100W Silverado amp I will be adding later, after i get an appropriate antenna on the roof. The plan is to mount the brackets and punch small holes in the headliner for the brackets to poke through.

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VDK on the left, and freebanding switches ton the right.
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Sliverado 200 100W linear amp that eventually go behind the seat.
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Cardboard template taped up and half drilled.
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Re: '98 F250LD CB install


Post by MDYoungblood »

Nice radio, should have bought it when you had it in the "For Sale" section. Clean looking mod installs. I did a headliner install on my old pickup that had a cardboard headliner, used construction glue like liquid nails to affix a short 1x6 to the metal roof giving me something to screw the mounting bracket to through the headliner. Keep posting updates.


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Re: '98 F250LD CB install


Post by LocomtvBreth »

MDYoungblood wrote:Nice radio, should have bought it when you had it in the "For Sale" section. Clean looking mod installs. I did a headliner install on my old pickup that had a cardboard headliner, used construction glue like liquid nails to affix a short 1x6 to the metal roof giving me something to screw the mounting bracket to through the headliner. Keep posting updates.


Thanks I tried to keep it aesthetically pleasing. I really like the 2x6 idea. I would be able to keep my visors fully functional. Rethinking now.
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Re: '98 F250LD CB install


Post by MDYoungblood »

I used a slide mount so i could remove the radio or use one of my others, the pickup is long gone but I still use the slide mounts for all the radios.
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My Dodge Ram has that overhead readout so the radios went to the floor.

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Re: '98 F250LD CB install


Post by LocomtvBreth »

I went to True Value and picked up two Simpson Strong Tie TP37 7X3" plates. I bent a 90* at one end making sure they were mirror images of each other. The mounting surface in the cab is roughly 68*, so I marked and drilled mounting holes for the radio at roughly 22*. I need to trim the excess off the bottoms and spray them gloss black (it's what I have, gotta keep it cheap). Then i will mark and drill the cab. I will be using pop rivets to attach to the cab because I already have them.

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Re: '98 F250LD CB install


Post by MDYoungblood »

They look to be pretty tough, should hold the radio with no problem.


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Re: '98 F250LD CB install


Post by LocomtvBreth »

Trimmed up.
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Re: '98 F250LD CB install


Post by MDYoungblood »

I would trim off those points on the brackets, remember it's close to your head.


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Re: '98 F250LD CB install


Post by LocomtvBreth »

MDYoungblood wrote:I would trim off those points on the brackets, remember it's close to your head.


Not a bad idea. I'll screw them down stacked and hit the corners together with the 4" Makita.

-- Monday, 16 May 2016, 14:38 PM --

Rounded the corners and painted the brackets today. I made another cardboard template, drilled the holes in the cardboard out, center punched, pulled the template off, and drilled. Attached each bracket with four 1/8" pop rivets. I also violated the visors with a box cutter and hacksaw.

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-- Monday, 16 May 2016, 14:38 PM --

Rounded the corners and painted the brackets today. I made another cardboard template, drilled the holes in the cardboard out, center punched, pulled the template off, and drilled. Attached each bracket with four 1/8" pop rivets. I also violated the visors with a box cutter and hacksaw.

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-- Thursday, 19 May 2016, 23:05 PM --

Was looking at the truck again to plan power feeds for the radio and linear. I followed a 10AWG fused wire from the battery, through the firewall and coiled under the vinyl floor. It was not connected to anything, this will power the radio. For the Linear, I have a stretch of 6AWG red cable I will attach to the firewall mounted "Starter Motor Relay", using a 20A circuit breaker.

-- Friday, 20 May 2016, 10:43 AM --

Radio is wired with the feed running up the passenger side A pillar. Will run the amp feed tomorrow maybe. Will get more pics soon.

-- Friday, 20 May 2016, 21:37 PM --

Built the amp feed line.

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-- Monday, 23 May 2016, 13:01 PM --

Went to the wrecking yard today and picked up a couple things for the install.

Wilson NMO27 for $5.
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Chevy van power block for the amplifier power feed. $2
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-- Monday, 23 May 2016, 13:02 PM --

Went to the wrecking yard today and picked up a couple things for the install.

Wilson NMO27 for $5.
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Chevy van power block for the amplifier power feed. $2
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-- Monday, 23 May 2016, 19:33 PM --

The Amp is mounted to the back wall of the cab, just below the top of the seat back.
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Power feed for the amplifier is in place.
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The wrecking yard junction block is soaking in vinegar to remove as much rust as possible.

Wilson NMO 27 is mounted in the top of the cab.

-- Tuesday, 24 May 2016, 10:31 AM --

Larsen NMO-27 mounted.
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junction block mounted and power connected to Silverado 200 amplifier.
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I tested the SWR yesterday without the amp and got 1:1 on the one channel I happened to be on. I will test further. but the whip is stuck pretty well and I dont think I could adjust it anyway.

-- Tuesday, 24 May 2016, 10:34 AM --

I just need to connect the amp power feed under the hood, and reinstall headliner and interior trim.
1138 Oregon
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