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D 104 volume control

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Mud-Duck Jr.
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D 104 volume control


Post by namvet6971 »

I need to replace volume control in D-104. Anyone tell me what to look for, in a replacement ? RS ? I did replacements back in early 70's. Back then I replaced with a longer shaft potentiometer and drilled hole in base. Added a knob, so could adjust volume from top of base. Was quite a hit with fellow club members. All these years later I forgot specs for replacement ? Anyone ? Thanks guys....
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Re: D 104 volume control


Post by MDYoungblood »

I believe it's a 10K potentiometer.


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Re: D 104 volume control


Post by namvet6971 »

Thanks Greg. Will see if my local R.S. has them in stock.

-- Wednesday, 01 June 2016, 20:07 PM --

:bounce: Well got D-104 rocking now. Turned out to be just the volume control. Picked up a 5K pot. and mounted it like I use to do, back in the 70's. Drilled hole in base, stem up thru hole and added a knob. Now can adjust mike gain on topside. Doesn't hurt, that I happen to like the way it looks too....
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Re: D 104 volume control


Post by 772 alberta »

You drilled a hole in a d-104? What the ----! Wow! Sounds like your loving it,guess that's all it maters. Well glad its working for you.
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Re: D 104 volume control


Post by PA629 »

namvet6971 wrote:Thanks Greg. Will see if my local R.S. has them in stock.

-- Wednesday, 01 June 2016, 20:07 PM --

:bounce: Well got D-104 rocking now. Turned out to be just the volume control. Picked up a 5K pot. and mounted it like I use to do, back in the 70's. Drilled hole in base, stem up thru hole and added a knob. Now can adjust mike gain on topside. Doesn't hurt, that I happen to like the way it looks too....
Not trying to be a smart*ss, but why do you need such an easily reachable adjustment on a D-104? I know that mod is a common one, along with the large adjustment wheel kit from back in the day that mounted underneath the 104's base. I've used 104's since the 60's and have always found them to be "set, and forget". Just wondering what the need is for being able to adjust the mic so easily/often. I always just got a bit closer to the mic if I needed more drive, such as for SSB DX-ing. :confused:
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Re: D 104 volume control


Post by MDYoungblood »

True, if the radio has a mic gain feature I would set it and forget it, if the radio didn't then I bought a desk mic with the gain control on the top (Turner). I to have drilled them in the past but to add up/down buttons and added 8v to eliminate the battery to use for my Icom, that too I could just reach over to change channels.


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Mud-Duck Jr.
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Re: D 104 volume control


Post by namvet6971 »

Back in the day depending on distance if someone would say I was over modulated, I just turned knob to cut it back. I don't know, when the other club members saw my modification back then, they all had me modify their D-104's for them. I like how it looks and now that I'm retired, always looking for things to keep me busy. As the saying goes " Different strokes, for different folks " John
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Re: D 104 volume control


Post by TrblShooter »

From what I remember and its been quite a while :) , I used to run mine on setting 3 and never touched it from there.. Always sounded good...
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