Pulling dads old bases out of the closet

A place to ask questions about base setup for CB radios or HAM radios. Talk about your experiences, seek advice, and share knowledge.
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fat cat 94
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Pulling dads old bases out of the closet


Post by fat cat 94 »

Well the bug has me bit real bad. always loved cb,ing and now have spoken with my dad about his old stuff and going this weekend to pull it out of the closet. Hurricane opal tore down our 75' rohn triangle tower destroying the rotator and the moon raker 4 and crashing down onto the antron 99 as well but the bases and the linears all survived. don't know which one I should use. I know he has a old cobra 148? I believe origionally 23 channel but has had others installed don't remember which ones. and a old set of golden eagle mark III both have the astatic d104 lollipop mics and I don't remember what brand the old tube linear was but know it was a 100 watt and that set up would talk. wondering what antenna/tower or mast should I go with if I am going to use this older stuff didn't know if anyone still used this and there was a antenna that was best suited for them. Thanks everyone in advace.
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Re: Pulling dads old bases out of the closet


Post by Mtn Lynx »

The bug bit last month here. took a few weeks, but finally was able to hear skip here and having a blast.
\m/ >.< \m/
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Re: Pulling dads old bases out of the closet


Post by pabxone »

fat cat 94 wrote: if I am going to use this older stuff didn't know if anyone still used this
Oh there is lots of us still out there 8)

The Cobra will probably be a Cobra 138 or 138XLR / 139XLR if it is a 23 channel?

I'd go with the Browning Golden Eagle to be honest.

Best , quickest and easiest solution for a base antenna would be a 1/2 wave or 3/4 vertical, I'll let others point you towards the best one to purchase as I'm over here in Australia and our choice of antenna's are slightly different, we don't have easy access to most of the brands you folks do Stateside.
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Re: Pulling dads old bases out of the closet


Post by Scipio Kid »

Sure, a lot of us use that old equipment because a lot of us are "old equipment" too. Don't know how many of you are like me but when CB's first came out I wanted the newest and best every time I looked at an ad, but never could afford it and knew I could get by with what I had. I got my first Cell phone 25 years ago and I'd be happy with it today if it hadn't died. My kids need a new phone every time the get a new doo dad or case color. What was new 2 month ago is ancient now. Sure technology improves some but we all ought to know when we're being manipulated. Anyway, those old CB's work as well as the new ones and a lot of the operators are just as old and just as useful. Uhhh, OK I think I just shot myself in the foot on that one!
Happy Trails
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Re: Pulling dads old bases out of the closet


Post by Mtn Lynx »

I just set up my dads base station today. A uniden 980ssb and a procomm antenna. Got him an old radio without sideband and a mobile antenna a couple months ago. He has not heard skip since i got him that cheapo setup. Now he has a higher antenna than I do and has a ssb radio. When skip is active he should be able to receive better than I do with mine. His house is on higher ground than mine. Can't wait to get a call from him saying "I can hear skip"
\m/ >.< \m/
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Re: Pulling dads old bases out of the closet


Post by dgbacb4148 »

:bounce: Eric, too bad about the Rohn tower and rotor, expensive stuff not counting the Moon raker. I would definitely go with the browning golden eagle, awesome radios. As for antenna, for weight and ease of erecting, don't forget the 3 element beam (Hy Gain) made a really great one .and doesn't require a real heavy rotor. It's all about location, location and conditions to talk. JMHO and good luck.
David g. :cheers:

AKA Southwind,Tripple Nickel, DX 555. Base station Uniden Washington Philippines made/ D-104 Tug 9/ Silver Streak 150/ Pyramid Gold Series Variable 26 amp through "Old Reliable Shakespeare Big Stick"... Mobile- Cobra 25, NMO Firestik. USAF 1959-1963/ Andrews AFB, 1001st Transportation Squadron, Maryland, home of AIR FORCE ONE. John F. Kennedy Presidential Innaguration parade 1961.
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Re: Pulling dads old bases out of the closet


Post by Blue Ox2 »

I gotta get my old Kris 23+ out of the basement and get that thing checked out.
Gotta test tubes and research replacements.

Sure gotta clean up the yard after winter first, though.
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Re: Pulling dads old bases out of the closet


Post by MDYoungblood »

That Kris radio has a nice mellow sound to them with the right mic, hope it's working for you.


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Re: Pulling dads old bases out of the closet


Post by Blue Ox2 »

MDYoungblood wrote: April 2nd, 2017, 2:10 pm That Kris radio has a nice mellow sound to them with the right mic, hope it's working for you.


Always worked well for me when I was in Carolina. Could sit in Greensboro and rachet jaw with bases in Asheville. It was awesome.
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