D&A Maverick 250 not upgraded just stock but works

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D&A Maverick 250 not upgraded just stock but works


Post by magikarp727 »

I can get one for$118 shipped to me with good tubes seller claims. Sound like a deal? I got two black cat JB75A's from him also for 30$ one worked other needs new transistors, and he was honest about the one that wouldn't transmit, but both had really good NOS Sylvania/RCA tubes : ) but both had silicon transistors 2N1511 which work fine as far as I can tell, but I wouldn't mind trying some 2N4048's to see how the silicon and germanium compare. U guys think the maverick is a good buy?

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Re: D&A Maverick 250 not upgraded just stock but works


Post by MDYoungblood »

I say it really depends on it's looks, beat up, rusty, corroded, then no, only buy it if you need it for parts and offer less than asking, if it is in near excellent condition I would really think about it, I get kind of impulse buying after tax refund time, I'd still offer less than asking and remember tubes aren't cheap.


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