Here's a good one for ya all

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Deleted User 30222

Here's a good one for ya all


Post by Deleted User 30222 »

My Galaxy DX959 works great after some mods, and a new power mic((DM100-Tornado). But for some reason on ch23, should be 27.245, mine is 27.255. Why is this?

PS: Hey MD, still waiting for my award :lol:
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Re: Here's a good one for ya all


Post by Grinder74 »

It's right. The channel vs freq is odd because of the rc channel work arounds.

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Re: Here's a good one for ya all


Post by MDYoungblood »

On the old 23 channel radios they shared channels with radio controlled devises, if you have a frequency counter there is a jump between channels 3 and 4 (26.995), 7 and 8 (27.045), 11 and 12 (27.095), 15 and 16 (27.145), 19 and 20 (27.195), and two jumps between 22 and 23, (27.235 and 27.245), these are called the "A" channels.They are also skipped on the 40 channel radios with the exception of 27.235 and 27.245 which was used to create channels 24 and 25.
On your radio there is a mod to do a 10kc jump which will let you tune to these channels as well as the rest of the dial skips when the channel mod is done.

P.S.--- I'll see if I can make a "Golden Screwdriver Award" certificate on pdf and send it to you to print out. Image


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