What does it mean to unlock clarifier

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What does it mean to unlock clarifier


Post by Kardar2 »

I was watching a mod video and the repairman was talking about Unlocking the clarifier. Can someone explain what a clarifier does and what is the purpose of unlocking it ? Thank you in advance
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Re: What does it mean to unlock clarifier


Post by Bozo »

Yes, the classifier helps you tune into a person's signal on SSB. On SSB (Single-Sideband) the clarifier is used to "tune" in the other station. If you are not tuned into their signal will make the other guy sound high or low pitched voice.

That mod allows you to slide off frequency to have a private conversation with someone that can slide like you can.

It is my experience that you aren't likely going to need this radio Modification

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Re: What does it mean to unlock clarifier


Post by Kardar2 »

Thank you for the help
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Re: What does it mean to unlock clarifier


Post by MDYoungblood »

I agree with Bozo on most of what he said, and with I believe you said the radio you have is a Bearcat 980SSB there is no need to unlock or open the clarifier, the worst it could be is only a couple of "Hz" off, it is "CPU" controlled. If you talk mainly AM mode unlocking the clarifier isn't needed at all. Now radios like the Galaxy SSB's they can get way off when cold, unlocking the clarifier on them helps get on frequency with others. A lot of people out there say opening the clarifier makes you chase the others but I have never ran into that situation.


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Re: What does it mean to unlock clarifier


Post by TNT1450 »

Basically an unlocked clarifier is like having a VFO (Variable Frequency Oscillator) or fine tuning control. SSB CB's come from the factory with the ability to tune only the receiver. Unlocking the clarifier means being able to tune both the transmitter and receiver together, so if you are talking to several stations on a channel, everyone can tune to the same frequency together and not have to keep messing with the clarifier in order to keep hearing everyone correctly. With locked clarifiers, everyone will be slightly off frequency and if you're talking to a group you'll have to keep turning the clarifier each time someone different transmits. An unlocked clarifier on an SSB rig makes total sense, but since the FCC rules say that CB is a channelized radio service with no VFO's allowed, unlocking the clarifier is a mod that makes the radio illegal, and the same reason they all come from the factory locked anyway.

On older AM-only rigs (and maybe some new ones) they had a similar control called a delta tune, but since AM signals are pretty wide it's basically not needed. If someone's AM rig is so far off frequency that you need to use a delta tune then their radio is out of spec and needs serviced.
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Re: What does it mean to unlock clarifier


Post by w9l »

The clarified on my Galaxy DX93T is two function knob course and fine with a switch above with 3 positions TX, RX, & TX/RX. What is generally the position to set that on LSB?
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