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uniden pc78ltw

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big boone
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uniden pc78ltw


Post by big boone »

Hello everyone. I have picked up a Philippine made 78 off of ebay for a fixer upper and have run into problems. First no receive. Second the channel led's are very dim with the dimmer switch on bright. Third the channel display and rx light goes out when you key the mic. Voltage at tr23 is low about 4 volts or so and when the mic is keyed it drops to zero. Also i am measuring about 9 volts from the board ground to the case or frame of the radio. I have loosened both the driver and final from the heat sink and it didn't help. Anyone know what is putting the 9 volts on the case of the radio? I have replaced tr23 and caps in that circuit and i'm waiting on a new replacement d22 hz9b1. Any help would be appreciated.
299 From the hills of E. Tennessee the original gateway to the west!
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Re: uniden pc78ltw


Post by MDYoungblood »

Not having the radio in front of me my best guess is there is a shorted cap to ground, that is causing the hot frame and the low voltage at TR23, where I haven't a clue, maybe back by the finals.


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big boone
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Re: uniden pc78ltw


Post by big boone »

It was a bad cap. I'm starting to replace all of them with the new ones i have on hand. I think the culprit cap was one that had some sort of nasty glue on it. I'm still waiting on a hz9b1 diode. Thanks for the help i will give an update when all the caps and d22 is replaced.
299 From the hills of E. Tennessee the original gateway to the west!
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