Nissei RS-27 SWR&power meter

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Nissei RS-27 SWR&power meter


Post by greenridge »

Hello, I just got a Nissei RS-27 swr meter and it does not have any calibration means on it. I was wondering if anyone that uses this type of meter has had any issues with the accuracy of the swr readings? Thanks
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Re: Nissei RS-27 SWR&power meter


Post by Lost Ram »

It self calibrates, many of newer units do this. I have not heard anything bad about this meter.
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Re: Nissei RS-27 SWR&power meter


Post by MDYoungblood »

Just hook it up and let her rip, those new little meters don't need a "calibration means", it is self calibrating. If you were to read the instruction and description you would have seen that. Accuracy is +/-10% in the wattage mode and +/-5% in the SWR mode, those spec's are in line with most even more expensive meters. They are good for the 26 to 30mhz range, outside that the accuracy changes.


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Re: Nissei RS-27 SWR&power meter


Post by greenridge »

Thank you for the replys. Greenridge
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